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Mike's Big Surgery Fund

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In November Mike was diagnosed with RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus). For most the symptoms are mild or cold like, but for some it can cause serious infections and/or some time in the hospital. Unfortunately, Mike was one of those unlucky ones and ended up with broken ribs from the intensity of his coughing. The pain from this and the now blood clots he was coughing up, alerted him and his care team to do a CT scan and see what else may be going on. This is when they discovered he had formed bacterial pneumonia. The pneumonia had eaten three holes in his lungs and causing havoc in his pulmonary tract. After his treatment for pneumonia he broke rib #9, leaving him with a new puncture from the rib fragments. 

Fast forward a few weeks and the pneumonia,  broken ribs, and bad luck (or so he jokingly calls it), have caused his intestines and lungs to push on his stomach wall causing a huge lump on his side. His medical team has confirmed there is no other option than to have surgery. This consists of cutting his side open, pushing his lung and intestines back in, and utilizing mesh to hold his ribs back in place. This surgery is not seen often and prior to this one his doctor said it has been 10 years since he has seen it. Because the surgery is an invasive one, the healing time is several weeks long. Mike will be unable to return to work while he is home resting. He has already been out of work full-time since November 14th and only working as his body allows him to do so. Due to his inability to work, the bills have been quickly adding up and will continue to grow as he is gone longer. Plus, he will have an extremely high deductible to cover once his surgery is complete. As we all know, no work means no income coming in, and that in itself is stressful. 

Mike is not one to ask others for help, which is why I put this together for him. He is the kind of human who will ensure everyone else is taken care and worries about himself last. He is involved in various self-started community events and fundraisers all year long. Which he is a tad upset that he has not been able to do regular winter ones this year. That shows you what kind of guy Mike is and just how lucky we are to have a guy like him in our community. He needs to heal at this time, but his compassion side says, "I still need to help too!" 

If you are able to donate to help take some burden off of Mike and Shirley, I know they would be forever grateful. If you are not able to share monetary amounts, please share this and keep the Letica family in your thoughts and prayers.  The power of prayer is a mighty one. 

Thank you everyone in advance! 

*It takes a village no matter what we do in life.*


  • Corky Marinkovich
    • 100 $ 
    • 2 años
  • David Sobczak
    • 100 $ 
    • 2 años
  • Doris Nygaard
    • 30 $ 
    • 2 años
  • Nicole Johnson
    • 25 $ 
    • 2 años
  • JoAnna Salminen
    • 25 $ 
    • 2 años

Equipo de recaudación de fondos: Fundraising team (2)

Tara Aase
Duluth, MN
Mike Letica
Kathleen Lee
Team member

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