Mike Jaber
Mike Jaber
Son, Husband, Father & Friend
In November 2020 we received the devastating news that Mike has terminal cancer and has less than a year to live.
Sadly there is no cure but medication to prolong his life. We’re hopeful this will give him another year with his family & friends.
Mike is only 50 and will leave behind his wife of 24 years, Leslie and children Paige and Victor.
We’d really like to be able to help the family through these difficult times ahead with medical bills and to help compensate the loss of income due to Mike’s inability to work when receiving treatment.
As friends, we will be there for Mike and promote this campaign that will help him and family make the best of this situation.
Mike is a great man who has always helped others and volunteered his time to many organizations including the Elks and Hat City.
My family in itself have been helped by Mike several times, whether I needed help cooking/preparing for events, a leaky roof rescue or needed a room painted
yesterday. Mike always came through for us without question. I’m sure some of you had similar experiences.
If you can please donate to support Mike we will be very appreciative. The medical expenses already paid out of pocket is over $1K .
I am a friend and customer of Mike’s for many years and immediately offered to jump in and help. I could have never imagined the donations come so quick and Mike & family are overwhelmed with all our kindness. Thank you!