Michelle Reaves - Mama, Wifey & Beautiful Soul
After Michelle and Chris were done having their own kids, they were helping another family have children.
Michelle was on her second surrogacy for the same family and as she was delivering the baby this morning, one complication led to the next and she fought for her life. Although the baby made it out safe, Michelle did not. I can’t even begin to imagine what her husband Chris and her two babies are going through so I want to start this page to help raise money for help with the kids, for Chris as they all adjust, funeral services, or anything at all to make it as easy as we can on them.
For those of you who didn’t have the pleasure of knowing Michelle, she will always be known for the love she had for her family. Michelle has the best, most sarcastic, funny personality and always had you laughing. Michelle and Chris have two beautiful kids, Gage and Monroe who my heart breaks for, knowing they won’t grow old with their mama.
You hear about these things happening all of the time but never in your life imagine it will happen to you... if you can’t donate at this time, please at least share so we can try to do everything we can for their family. This all doesn’t even feel real, let’s be there for Michelle’s family like they would for us.
No one deserves to lose their mama so young or the mother of their children.