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Michael Healed

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Go to the 3rd campaign to follow my story.

If you could take 10 minutes today to save 1 life, would you think of me in the next 24 hours?

I have 2 major fears in asking you for help with my health - actually just 1. I’m afraid that in asking you for help so I can save my life, there is great uncertainty of how you will respond to understanding all of the pain I have been through to learn and become who I am at the young age of 21 as of April 16th. The fact of the matter is I know who I am and what I am meant to do here on this earth, but I do not have the health to pursue it, therefore creating the most ironic catch 22: I am the happiest person you will ever meet, while also being the most miserable person you'll ever know.

This GoFundMe is an act of belief in the good will of humanity, and a courageous choice for me to step into my pain, embrace vulnerability, and provide the opportunity for the both of us to see the great good in truly understanding what it means to work together in synergy to accomplish one goal: providing health for someone in need. I've lived a life of compromise for 8 years now, so when I do get healthy, I will be able to follow my calling and live a life of bliss, because bliss is the activation of the function of potential.

If we could come together in community and share the love and compassion for those struggling with an illness, we would part ways with judgement and through understanding, solve the world’s problems in synergy by viewing with an eye that sees a life of illness isn’t easy for anyone. This is about how to be human, acknowledging that everybody matters, and staying true to the vision of unity.

I'm not just asking for money, I also have something good to give back in return. I created "30 Steps to Live a Purpose Driven Life," a step by step process focused at the very core of How to Be Human, formed with hundreds of sequential subtopics I call "gates," that when opened, activates a Spiral Healing Complex that continues to draw you inward toward self-awareness. This took me 24 cold hard months of emotional healing and well over 1000 uploaded videos on the internet documenting the journey, not counting over 5 months of unposted content revealing my self-healing practice of an #adtalk a day (awareness documentations), and 1000s of sales calls behind the scenes.

There is nothing better than learning from someone who practices what they teach. I know how I got here. Success is a journey, not a destination. This destination, or goal to put together this GoFundMe took me 360+ hours so I could share my offering with you. It starts with "The Self-Healing Process," moves into "The Emotional Reflection Method," and walks you through "The Freedom Journey." Each of these begin at different levels of awareness, from having a disfigured sense of self all the way into knowing exactly who you are. By embracing the newfound emotional awareness you now have, you have developed the human intelligence to freely connect with any person from a place where you see yourself as whole and complete, lacking in nothing.

This freedom is how I truly feel after all of the inner work I've done. However, I also feel like I am being pushed out of my own body. I can't promise that this is how you will feel after connecting with me. I just happen to know that all of the action happens in the outer extremes of the world, and my life has often been to the limit as I was faced with something else trying to take my place, mentally, emotionally and physically. I am human, and you are too. The reality is you are going to die.

What I decided in my life is I will not allow any circumstance of the external world to be more powerful than my internal world. I've become the person who stares death straight in the face and smiles, then guards his staying place from encroachment by repetitively stating would you stop walking towards me, to only take one step forward and say it again. I believe the only reason we are afraid of death is because we are actually afraid to live.

I also believe I experienced all of my pain so I could learn how I could be in service to you, and if you'll accept my offering in return for a tax cut and your own fulfillment in helping me have my health so I can retake control of my body, I'd be happy to share exclusive access to the GoFundMe Rewards that my clients would otherwise not receive. These are listed at the bottom of the page in the last image, have a look at my whole and complete process to emotional freedom displayed in the 12 images listed below, and make your donation accordingly. For any offering, I am forever grateful.

I live by the values of an acronym I came up with in 2017 called EATUP, where I deploy empathy, awareness, and transparency to create unity through positivity. My WHY is to inspire people to be emotionally free so we can truly express ourselves, be understood, and live in synergy. I would love it if you saved your time for you and your family by believing me when I say I need your help, and I can not get healthy on my own! However, if you want to know the story behind the person you are giving life to by making this donation toward the vision of unity, read on to have me enter your heart and remain there for a lifetime! 

If this is where you make a statement, know that I speak for the silent, and stand for the broken. I'd like to hear 1 real world problem in the comments section, or if you prefer, on one of my GoFundMe Facebook posts, or how about my Closed Facebook Group where I will give you and everyone who's with me additional support and healing? If you leave a problem worth solving given my people skills and attention to human connection, I may come to find a way to bring it into the light.

Everything I do and love is about people. For now, your comment will spark a community engagement that will mean more to people suffering around the world than we could ever fathom by trying to put the pieces of an ever unfolding puzzle together all alone, when each of us hold a specific purpose in the complete image of what is to be shown. The answer is already known, but first we must shine the light and let darkness be exposed to death in light, and open goodness to grow in heaven's delight.


Come Walk With Me

Michael Earth Osada is an unshakable optimist who believes in the future connection of a multicultural experience and our ability to build it together. His why is to inspire people to be emotionally free so we can truly express ourselves, be understood, and live in synergy.


What I want to share with you is the brief version of my story, expressed as best as I can explain it, all to help answer the question as for why you should care to help me, and I also have something to offer you that you can look forward to toward the end of this request for aid. I’ve devoted over 360+ hours of hard work into putting together my offer for this campaign over the duration of the past 21 days. I even made a movie to answer all of your questions, address all of your concerns, and add value to your life so I can succeed in having my health back. I don’t have time for judgement, as my entire past life of pain has been predicated on never feeling heard, understood, or loved, when all I ever wanted was connection. I hope my story touches you in some way, and I greatly appreciate your time and attention.

I have 1 major concern, or fear, in asking you for help so I can take care of my health. I’m afraid that in asking you for help, there is great uncertainty in how you will respond to understanding all of the pain I have been through to learn and become who I am at the young age of 21 as of April 16th. The fact of the matter is I know who I am and what I am meant to do here on this earth, but I do not have the health to pursue it, therefore creating the most ironic catch 22: I am the happiest person you will ever meet, while also being the most miserable person you'll ever know.

After having seen 20 or more doctors, 5 urologists, and spending thousands of dollars concerning my condition, I now have all the information I need to approach the final steps for my surgery. The only problem is, I don't have the right doctor who can help me. Before having visited UCLA Medical Center on 04/23/19, Ranked #7 in the United States, I believed it would be the end for my testicular pain on my quest for healing so I can stand straight again! However, I came to find that no doctor could help me solve my problem by providing a solution to place my testicle into a position for my long-term health and well-being.

What this means to me is that I have to find a solution that is completely different from the process I have undergone for the past 8 years now. I am going to have to leave the country to find a doctor who can actually help solve my problem, and stay there while I recover from my surgery.

Once the source of my chronic pain is gone, I can’t say how long it will take for my spine to rotate back into place and for me to break down and appropriately heal the scar tissue and fascia that has built up in my body. I have shifted so far off center that I have literally developed bread rolls in between my shoulder blades as a result of altering my posture to avoid pain detected by my nervous system, which prevents me from pulling my shoulders back so I can lift my chest up and insert my neck back into an overhead position. Not only is my body tissue built up and in the way, but also the nerves that have been affected by it.

The doctors and my parents told me for years that everything was okay. When it was obvious to me that my genitals were unfitting for my body, everyone around me was oblivious to my struggle. My pain was at others’ dismissal, and eventually, I buried the reality that my health needed to be taken care of, but the pain grew. As a result, a considerable solution was never presented throughout my teenage years. So, I suffered.

Throughout this time I had to learn to accept having less than what I truly needed, which conditioned me to act out in ways so that I would be heard and understood with a desire for unconditional love that was absent for me growing up. It was always on other people’s terms that I would be appreciated, and even then, it was never enough.

This physical compromise caused me to be highly insecure of my body. I would always think someone would find me out, and I would guard my insecurities by masking my real emotions with my thoughts, words, and opinions. The ways I acted throughout everything I did were unconsciously a rejection of my own self-worth. If it wasn't obvious, it had shaped my character to be even more flawed than my own body imposed, without regard for my health.

Eventually the pain grew on me. When I played high school football, I learned I'd be a stronger running back when ran right, and was guaranteed to be instantly taken down on plays ran left. When I ran track and made the Varsity team, I began to hear a click in my neck with every step. My body began to tighten and strain with a left sided pain, and I was never a dependable player for my team, nor my coaches throughout the seasons. Wrestling was the worst. The only match I ever won was against a girl because I always had my left leg back in defense of being tapped.

I received injuries because of it, went to physical therapy because of it, started doing drugs because of it, and I failed at relationships and lost many friends because of it. I even lost my own voice, all because of IT. When I finally chose to change, and take responsibility for my own pains and emotions, I stood with my hips rotated 45° right, my neck hung forward and my back had begun to arch down toward the ground. My entire left side of my body was extremely tight, pained, numb and tingling, and I slept 12 hours a day to heal the breakdown of my body from a previous day’s work. It was all because of my neck I said, I got hit in football. However, I was sadly mistaken. I had averted to blaming the wrong thing because of my neglect in being seen. The real pain was absent.

Just imagine having a set of balls that dangle between your legs for a moment. One of them has a nerve attached inside of you that is pinched, and it also resides in the wrong position, never hanging the same ever since you had a surgery in 2011. Because it is constricted in it’s freedom through movement, every time you nudge it, your body language tells your mind faster than it can perceive to move in the opposite direction. This means you can't walk, sit, sleep, or do anything without compromising your body's normal gait or postural position.

Therefore, my thoughts are often focused on pain because my spine is a contorted mess in how it’s adapted to bend, which has strained my entire left side of my body’s muscle and nervous tissue, causing it to chronically grow extremely tight, numb, pained, and tingling!! I haven’t been able to live like I have a life for way too long now. A good example is a recent smack in the face for me, when on your 21st Birthday you figured you’d be out drinking with friends, but instead you are locked away all alone inside your staying place!

This is a bodily issue. If your body’s not feeling and operating normally, it’s not just going to show up in your physical appearance, but it will also lend itself to poor emotions, or a negative state. Your state affects your mind and your body, and your state also determines the story you tell yourself, which in turn justifies the strategies you plan to act on.

My story is that I am on an accelerating discourse to become a hunchback cripple ridden with Kyphosis and Scoliosis in my early 20s. This is because my state has been compromised for 8 miserable years now, and as a result, I have grown so far off center as a functional human being so as to be conditioned to bow down at the demand of my own genitals. Therefore, I have to make-up for my diminished mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being by having extreme faith in a miracle. I haven’t had one yet, so I’d like to plan on healing appropriately from the surgery I am to have with the doctor who is to perform it. This would be the only plan of action for the strategy we have right now, because its the only one that makes sense given my reality.

You would think that you could just neutralize the pain and feel good again. Maybe get some anesthetic or steroidal injections, cut some nerves out here and there, and feel numb to the pain for the rest of your life and all the issues will go away. This is a very real and scary suggestion that many people will take up.

Our human bodies are so complex and absolutely fascinating! The average genetic make-up for the human body contains 37.2 trillion cells that can be commanded to obey what you teach them if you are willing to have faith in your healing, or you could convince them to work against you. You can be a pessimist, or you can be an optimist. As optimistic as I am, I don't just have a normal cause for and effect for any of the symptoms that have taken over my body. Each one is a result of my chronic bodily compromise. Each one is probably something absurd that you've never heard of.

Given the perspective of urologists in UCLA, this would be a normal outcome for the patients who experience testicular pain post-surgery for a hydrocele repair, as well as inguinal hernias. It changes their gait, and it changes their composure. This is terrifying news, and I would never in my life wish this upon anyone who would experience any such pain for any reason. My "repair" was back in 2011, and I was only 13 years old.

It took me 8 years just to figure out that I’ve never gotten anywhere with my health journey, and my family still doesn’t believe I actually have a problem!! I’ve had no say for my body, nor my right of passage for almost half of my human lifetime, so unnaturally, I’ve grown resilient and have more of a backbone than my physical condition incites! At this point, I wouldn’t mind chopping my balls off to release this burden I’ve been lugging around in more ways than just between my legs since I was age 13!!!

Suffering is a choice! You choose to experience pain and live with it!! The truth is, things don't happen to you, they happen because of you!!! I’d just like my life to turn out right because of me this time. I will not allow myself to be a victim anymore, I've settled for less for too long now! What I do know is that without the consistent need to compromise my posture to avoid interminable pain, I can command whatever is causing my body to come out of perfect alignment to cease, now and never to return, in Jesus name!

What I need to end my suffering is the funding to be able to have the right surgery with the right doctor and heal my body with the long-term solution to my problem so I can stand on my own two feet and give back to the world the gifts I have for others to receive. I can't do that without my health. I can't do that without leaving the country. I can't do that without having control of my own life, which requires me to have control of my own body.

I just want to go outside instead of having to sleep 12 hours a day so I can barely manage to lift my head up! For my Birthday, I was working on this GoFundMe. For the past 21 days, I've been working on this GoFundMe. (April 14th - May 4th). I made a movie to answer all of the questions about what I've done. It's all documented! I wouldn't be reliant on an outside source of income if I had a body I could depend on, and a personality that wasn't so deathperate in every action taken. I can't hold a regular job, and I won't admit myself to disability. I haven't been beaten down until the point where I no longer believe in myself. I still have my dignity.

Believe me, I can take more pain. Through all of this, I've become a very strong person. However, the only thing I actually have and value in my life is the purpose I now know I am to carry out, the character I've built to withstand any doubts and manage my talents, and the people who are connected with me now. I can't fail before my mission has even started. I believe all of this was training and preparation for what is to come.

However, accepting that pain and doing nothing about it isn't tolerable anymore. My biological makeup has begun to change as of January of this year. On a cellular level, my body is internally shifting to accept this disease and remain in the confines of my physical compromise. My spine is literally stuck in multiple points, and no matter how many attempts I make to shift the vertebrae back, they remain in the wrong place.

It's been 8 years since this all started, and it needs to end this year, or I'll be pushed out of my own container! I am responsible for this, I know that. There's not much I can do about it without any help though. I don’t want to ask people for handouts for the rest of my life and I don't want to have an endless stack of medical bills! It would be a failure by every means to continue accepting short-term solutions.

I need a long-term solution to my health challenges, and I need it right now! This is the only thing I've asked for for 3 years now, and I haven't managed to get it. I need my health back, and I need your help! The only reason I believe I've survived this long is because God has given me an incredible body to withstand the pain, and has trained me to have an unstoppable resilience for dealing with these inner demons. Taking care of my body is more important to me than anything right now!! I cannot explore the freedom of the known without my health!

The good thing is, while I can just accept donations, I also value working for a living, which is the exchange I want to propose in return for your donations. This is an option you can explore, it's not mandatory. I have something to give based on the trials I have lived through, and I believe it's the right thing to do. It only requires me to sit down and speak with you, which we can accomplish easily through a video chat. I already do this every day, and I absolutely love what I do! That would be coaching people to have the motivation to speak into emotional intelligence!!

It took me 24 cold, hard months of unwavering healing to identify the purpose I am now stepping into, and I am certain my process works if you have anything related to living a life without knowing, having the desire to be known, and understanding what it means to be someone who is actually worth knowing. Too many of us are chasing fame and fortune when all we truly wanted was to be understood and appreciated by being given the real value of connection.

I’d like to share my life’s work with you, if you can connect to my story. That’s why I’ve created 30 Steps to Living a Purpose Driven Life. My why is to inspire people to be emotionally free so we can truly express ourselves, be understood, and live in synergy. I want to show you a life of bliss that you could be living within 7 month’s time!

That’s why I offer that in exchange for my health, you take the pleasure of donating toward a lifetime of bliss in acceptance of my services, because when you can love and accept yourself, activate potential, and share as much as you possibly can, you will be in bliss, because bliss is the activation of the function of potential. This is the final subtopic, “A Life of Bliss,” listed on Step 29 of 30 – Following Your Calling to Live a Purpose Driven Life, and it is also the last and only step listed that I have not yet achieved as an example to teach. I can not activate my potential and share all that I am with the world without having my health as the foundation to help me stand straight, lift my head up, and walk a path of truth so I can live my life!

It's a Win/Win Scenario, and totally optional. If this is something you'd be interested in, you may read on after the photos of my process and offering to understand my qualifications. If not, that's okay. I'd just prefer to live by one of my values to give more than I take as a conversational economy, or 51/49.

Everything I do and love is about people. It would be a true blessing from you if you would leave a comment letting me know how one thing I shared made you feel in embracing vulnerability, and I’d really love to hear your reflection on what resonated with you, and if it touched you, how you can improve and value your own experiences moving forward! Your comment will spark a community engagement that will mean more to people suffering around the world than we could ever fathom by trying to put the pieces of an ever-unfolding puzzle together all alone, when each of us hold a specific purpose in the complete image of what is to be shown. The answer is already known, but first we must shine the light and let darkness be exposed to its nonexistence amidst the light, and open goodness to grow in heaven's delight.

If this message inspired you in any way, I would love it if you shared this campaign on Facebook by sharing one of my posts that are "native content," meaning original content not redistributed from any other platform. Facebook does not encourage link sharing outside of it's own platform, and will drop the algorithm if you just share the link on its own. If you want the tools to help share this message, please message me and I will be glad to inform you which Facebook post is active and doing well at the moment in promoting my health journey. I will also be happy to share one of your posts within the next 6 months in return, and invite you to my Closed Facebook Group, where I may keep you updated and add value to your life through what I and many others learn along their journey.

If you can make a statement there, know that I speak for the silent, and stand for the broken. I'd like to hear 1 real world problem in the comments section. If you leave a problem worth solving given my people skills and attention to human connection, I may come to find a way to bring it into the light.

In continuing, I will be updating this page frequently throughout the weeks of May, sharing any progress between the future and 6 months ago when I opened my 1st GoFundMe campaign, “Healing Michael.” I would be glad to have you come walk with me on my personal journey by following my social medium links listed below. Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like to hear more options about how I may add value to your life, even if it’s for free!

Come Walk With Me

Michael Earth Osada is an unshakable optimist who believes in the future connection of a multicultural experience and our ability to build it together. His why is to inspire people to be emotionally free so we can truly express ourselves, be understood, and live in synergy.

Speak for the silent, and stand for the broken.


There is a second thorn that I’ve plucked and wholly recovered from, and that was an infectious disease of the mind. If you want to read on before I extend my offer to serve you in return for your donations, you are welcome to hear my lifetime of abuse.

Of the great many reasons I have not been able to get my health back is because I was not responsible for my own decisions the first 5 years following my surgery in December of 2011. At the young age of 13, I had a surgery on my testicle to repair a hydrocele, and the result was a failure. Thereafter, any communication of it was rejected. I never felt heard, understood, or loved. All I ever wanted was connection.

From age 13 until the age of 19, I was under heavy fire of traumatically deep emotional stressors as a victim of mental, emotional, verbal, and namely Narcissistic Abuse. This is when the abuser unceasingly pokes your bubble to diminish your sense of self, to delude your dignity until it shrinks to a point where you have no place to stand guard to the gateway of your mind. Through this traumatic mental conditioning, you then fall prey to manipulation that causes you to lose your sense of self, and become a duplicate of the abuser. Through upholding an image of someone you're not, and hearing someone else's thoughts and not your emotions, you become a mindless slave who compromises without reason and willfully carries out the abuser’s bidding.

This is Narcissistic Abuse. The great part about this type of abuse is that while it’s extremely covert, cunning, and deceptive, it’s also completely consensual. Once you understand what is actually happening to you, you can view your life from a position of responsibility for your own emotions and your ability to heal from it, resulting in a dramatic evolution of your emotional intelligence, therefore gifting you with wisdom far beyond your years!

If you want to understand me, picture a kid who never had a close emotional connection with anybody growing up. If he ever wanted love, he would be treated as worthless and never meet anyone's expectations. If he ever needed help, he would have to lose something in exchange for gaining something. If he ever had a social life, he would be derided and outcast for seeking outside validation.

I never had anyone else to comfort me or hear my cries. My pain would always be mine, or I would exchange it for more pain with the person who I thought loved me. That love was all conditional. There was no relationship. I was objectified. I was a source of supply, and whenever a hit of energy was needed that would be granted for making me feel dead inside.

I was living a false life, and the dangerous traps and tripwires that were tactfully positioned in every step out of this illusive place I was manipulated into staying was actually killing me on the inside. I didn't know who I was, so much so that in college, I had a giant red beard around my mouth that was scaly, itchy, and peeling which somatically projected that you are not free to express yourself. You have no voice. You are worthless. You are no one.

Then I volunteered at senior center, learned about regret, communicated that I wanted to be a motivational speaker, and for my speech class I did some research. Somehow, I stumbled upon the topic: "Acons, Adult Children of Narcissistic Abuse." Most of all of the symptoms I had racked up on my list were because of this, and my mental health was extremely unstable.

I was sick, and I didn't know it. I thought my relationship with my close ones was normal, but it was all a dream. Reality took hold of me, and outside people began to matter to me. I dropped out of college, quit my job, and moved. Through this action, I initiated the self-healing process that helped me find myself by listening to my own voice, validating and taking responsibility for my own emotions, and constantly looking for ways to improve and connect with the world around me.

If you are resilient like me, you quickly learn to move into doing and being the opposite of everything you were conditioned to believe, therefore pulling yourself back against the grain like a slingshot and launching yourself into new and fearful terrains! Instead of living a false life of pride with a broken image of dignity, I fell in love with self-awareness and developed a confident humility as I grew through the cracks of my suffering, mended my roots, and flourishing into one unified blossom.

It’s my greatest blessing that I have survived all of this and turned back time by fast forwarding my position in life’s ongoing cycle of maturation through pain, and more pain through maturation. I don’t see my physical condition as a curse, nor my emotionally disconnected upbringing. I see it as 8 years of training and preparation for the great work I am to do and share with you. God has given me many thorns, and I believe this one is still in me only for the purpose of being plucked when I am ready.

When I lowered my ego six months ago on 10/31/18 to open my first GoFundMe, I asked for help with my health challenges and only raised $220 for “Healing Michael.” Unfortunately, due to the low volume response, I took it upon myself in such an ill condition to be my own savior when I could not. What I discovered shortly thereafter changed my life completely.

I was going through a goals course after almost being burned out of my own head from the stress of writing goals down only to be looked at once, then never again. In my study I found one question that gave me profound meaning. I asked myself, "If I had found out today that I only had 6 months to live, what would I do with my life?"I would immediately go out and do all of the physical things, even though “I couldn’t” do it. Martial Arts, Parkour, Dance. (I would break myself loose.)" The only one I had always feared and had never known was dancing.

So, I stepped onto the dance floor and started taking lessons. What I found was a hidden collection of talents that revealed itself to me because I took up the courage to step into my pain and live my life in purpose without restraints. I also took up multiple jobs, but every single one fired me because I was incompatible. However, it all circles back to me gaining more wisdom.

I’ve made many mistakes over the course of my life. Some of the biggest lie in the category of not asking for help and distancing myself from those who wanted to help me. It has a lot to do with my past, and I've grown through and transcended all of that, but this is about the future. The future of my physcial body, and the container I am in that I am being pushed out of.

You are my helping hand out of this gaping hole of endless torment that I’ve been living in for 8 years! I was just a boy when my physical limitations became all that I focused on, consequently changing my body language, the words I spoke, and the things I did to hide my greatest pains and insecurities. When I gather some strength, I hope I can show you my gratitude by being a human example on display as the world’s greatest performer of the 21st Century!

It’s all up to you for your decision to make a donation, so I want to remind you of the power in the futurity of your decisions. I believe in the discipline of organized plans of action. I didn’t tell you what talents I had discovered through dancing into my pain, but I did tell you that I will be the world’s greatest performer of the 21st Century, all cliffhanging on the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that when I recover, my hint at my talents were never actually there in the first place. However, that can't be possible if anything is possible. The world is not so black and white. There is alot of grey and pretty colors in between. 

As a performer, everything I say and do is real. I live to feel it to give life to the moment. I look to get a reaction out of you to then take that energy and bounce it back to make you feel better! I am an instrument to your magical experience that will enter your heart and remain there for a lifetime!

If I make it as a performer, I am here to shatter the image of degradation and replace it with a mode for developing opportunity. I want to give you something to look forward to. Me Being The World's Greatest Performer of the 21st Century. Something you can bet for or against by putting just $250 forward.

At this rate, I have made an offer for my 1st book, audiobook, and my 1st album to be yours when they are released, and you’ll also get to work with me for 2 group coaching sessions (Tier 1 – Tier 2) as soon as this week! This is the most valuable package that is incomplete, and exclusively offered on GoFundMe. If you enjoy and value your experience with me, you are welcome to continue working with me toward your goals. I know I can make you feel better, and I want you to meet me there so you can open up to being emotionally free. If you were to have any doubts, it would be my pleasure to invite you to my Closed Facebook Group for any additional support you may need.

I can't make you any promises for an upcoming album nor for a book with a climax worth reading through if I don't have my health. I'll tell you that I'm done living a life of compromise. I don't have any debts, and I don't have any regrets. If I can just get 100 people to make this offering toward my continual healing, I will meet my goal for $25,000 so I can take care of my health!! I made this goal with you in mind, so that you could feel the contribution you were making to be impactful toward changing my story. However, I will acknowledge that 200 people at this rate is more reasonable because while I believe my health is right around the corner, I don't truly know the damages that 8 years has done, and how much unwinding I will really have to do to be able to move freely again!

In addition to this, my life has recently taken a completely different turn. My father waited until I turned age 21 to tell me that I will have to move out and I will also lose my current insurance plan likely within the next month. The biggest threat to me right now is being out on the streets and not being able to walk, sit, sleep and heal appropriately. I will absolutely freeze if I don’t find a warm place to rest with a decent bed. My mother’s house is not an option for me, as that is the environment I left to move onto my path of healing 24 months ago.

I made the goal for $25,000 with a sense of urgency to get a surgery within a month so I could quickly recover knowing that know I will no longer have a place of residence, as well as the insurance to take care of my health. Just now learning on 04/23/19 that I will have to travel outside the country to find someone who will provide a long-term solution for my health, I know I have to make the money to take care of myself with a sense of urgency that is undeniably necessary to make it through this!!!

I could be overwhelmed, I could be hurt that all of this is happening to me, or I could be optimistic that everything is here for the betterment of me. That this is all for the greater good of my life and the lives of others. I believe the stars have aligned and the universe is opening doors for me to get healthy in a completely different life than I have right now. I don't believe in coincidences. I believe in God.

The proof I have is exactly 6 months ago from this date is when I made my 6 month agreement on 10/24/19 as if I were to die 6 months later. 7 days in I posted GoFundMe #1 in an effort to save my life. 94 days in, I also made an agreement and commitment with myself to start making posts on instagram using the #86tofix, giving myself 86 days to fix my health problem and carry out a life of healing and freedom moving forward. Today I have a opening in my awareness that has given me a tangent and an open door after 8 years of doing what has not worked for me to send me to a completely different part of the world. I'm going to listen to God for who I am to speak with, and where I am to go for direction so I can heal my body.

There are no such things as coincidences. To prove it, the youtube video I made 86 days ago was unposted. I will have that up on Youtube my channel for you today, and make it my first GoFundMe update on the same day of official launch, 04/24/19. I have so many videos unposted, I have no idea what else has been predicted in my #86tofix videos, but this is the first opening, and I'm taking it.

If it takes me using GoFundMe as a backbone to share my message to inspire people to be emotionally free so we can truly express ourselves, be understood, and live in synergy, I will gladly cut back your taxes and accept your generous offer! Please keep in mind that the Packages I have to share here have bonuses and agreements I do not regularly offer in my standard services. I know there's a whol lot to my story, and that's why you've read this far. I don’t expect you to understand all of it. I just want you to believe it.I’ve had a really hard life, and I believe it’s about to get a whole lot better!

These funds will account for the surgery I need, any further procedures I may have to undergo, my long-term healing, and maybe even my living situation so I can continue to live and produce on my own. If you need any more information to justify making a donation of this magnitude, I’ll be giving back free updates for a lifetime! Please understand that this is the only time that I will need your help now more than ever!

At the bottom of the page are my GoFundMe Rewards incentives for you, and what you may expect as a return on investment for the genuine heart of gold you have now given permission to connect to your soul, so you can be whole and complete, lacking in nothing!! 

30 Steps to Live A Purpose Driven Life 


Coaching Package Tiers Explained 


I appreciate your time and attention, and would also like to acknowledge that I am in no way obligated to serve you in return for your donation. I choose to share my blessings. If you’re not a fit for the services I perform, I can also make the choice to refuse service. Please review the 4 agreements listed in the explanation of my coaching packages before you make a donation. No matter, what country you are in, once you have made a donation, it doesn't come back.

Once you have made a donation, if you are interested in coaching, those funds will serve as a deposit for our first appointment. Please reach out to and send me a Direct Message  using one of my social mediums linked below, preferably Facebook, as I cannot rely on sending you emails through GoFundMe's comment system. Social media is meant for being social. There, I will send you a link to my calendar to schedule an appointment that works for the both of us.

If this message inspired you in any way, if it's not too much to ask, I would love it if you shared this campaign on Facebook by sharing one of my posts that are "native content," meaning original content not redistributed from any other platform. Facebook does not encourage link sharing outside of it's own community, and will drop the algorithm if you just share the link on its own. If you want the tools to help share this message, please message me and I will be glad to inform you which Facebook post is active and doing well at the moment in promoting my health journey.

If this is where you make a statement, know that I speak for the silent, and stand for the broken. I'd like to hear 1 real world problem in the comments section, or if you prefer, on one of my GoFundMe Facebook posts, or how about my Closed Facebook Group where I will give you and everyone who's with me additional support and healing? If you leave a problem worth solving given my people skills and attention to human connection, I may come to find a way to bring it into the light.

Everything I do and love is about people. It would be a true blessing from you if you would leave a comment letting me know how one thing I shared made you feel in embracing vulnerability, and I’d really love to hear your reflection on what resonated with you, and if it touched you, how you can improve and value your own experiences moving forward! Your comment will spark a community engagement that will mean more to people suffering around the world than we could ever fathom by trying to put the pieces of an ever unfolding puzzle together all alone, when each of us hold a specific purpose in the complete image of what is to be shown. The answer is already known, but first we must shine the light and let darkness be exposed to its nonexistence amidst the light, and open goodness to grow in heaven's delight.


In continuing, I will be updating this page frequently throughout the weeks of May, sharing massive advances made in my progress anytime between the future and 6 months ago when I opened my 1st GoFundMe campaign, “Healing Michael.” I would be glad to have you come walk with me on my personal journey by following my social medium links listed below. Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like to hear more options about how I may add value to your life, even if it’s for free!

Come Walk With Me

Michael Earth Osada is an unshakable optimist who believes in the future connection of a multicultural experience and our ability to build it together. His why is to inspire people to be emotionally free so we can truly express ourselves, be understood, and live in synergy.

I speak for the silent, and stand for the broken.



Michael Osada
Torrance, CA

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