Help With Medical Expenses Due To Cancer
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Maria Alvarado and I am aunt to Louie Louie. Unfortunately, just 6 days before Christmas, on December 19, my nephew Louie Louie of just 1 years old was diagnosed with Cancer due to the Wilms Tumor connected to his kidney.
A week before his parents were told this heart breaking news, his parents took him to see his pediatrician due to his belly being extremely swollen. Where they were told that it was just poop and were sent home.
Fast forward to the night of December 17. His parents took him to the ER due to a high fever. Where he was admitted & later transferred to a Children’s hospital outside of the city he lives in. Where he had exams done and results showed a tumor, he later had Surgery to removed a piece of that tumor, doctors tested the sample to determine the diagnosis. He was diagnosed with Cancer & hospitalized for 2 weeks. Thankfully he’s now home with his parents and 2 siblings. Receiving chemotherapy weekly. We’re praying & have faith the chemotherapy will do what it has to and the cancer will be gone in no more.
His parents are not asking for a certain amount due to not knowing how long they’ll be in this situation . Anything you guys would like to donate will be MORE than appreciated and will go towards any of his medical expenses & extra expenses through this hard time.
Thank you.
Hola, mi nombre es María Alvarado y soy tía de Louie Louie. Desafortunadamente, apenas 6 días antes de Navidad, el 19 de diciembre, a mi sobrino Louie Louie de tan solo 1 año le diagnosticaron cáncer debido al tumor de Wilms conectado a su riñón.
Una semana antes de que sus padres supieran esta desgarradora noticia, sus padres lo llevaron a ver a su pediatra debido a que tenía el vientre extremadamente hinchado. Donde les dijeron que era solo caca y los enviaron a casa.
Avance rápido hasta la noche del 17 de diciembre. Sus padres lo llevaron a emergencias debido a una fiebre alta. Donde fue admitido y luego trasladado a un hospital infantil en las afueras de la ciudad en la que vive. Donde le hicieron exámenes y los resultados mostraron un tumor, luego lo operaron para extirpar un trozo de ese tumor, los médicos analizaron la muestra para determinar el diagnóstico. . Le diagnosticaron cáncer y lo hospitalizaron durante 2 semanas. Afortunadamente ahora está en casa con sus padres y sus dos hermanos. Recibir quimioterapia semanalmente. Estamos orando y tenemos fe en que la quimioterapia hará lo que tiene que hacer y el cáncer ya no desaparecerá.
Sus padres no piden una determinada cantidad por no saber cuánto tiempo estarán en esta situación. Cualquier cosa que ustedes quieran donar será MÁS que apreciada y se destinará a cualquiera de sus gastos médicos y gastos adicionales durante este momento difícil.
Maria Alvarado
Tampa, FL