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MCA ThinkBIG 2019

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Mount Carmel Area is hosting its seventh annual pediatric dance marathon which raises money for patients and their families receiving treatment in NE and Central Pennsylvania.  Over the last five years, MCA along with the local community raised over $184,000  to help families ease the burden of unexpected costs during the process of treatments.  We are hoping this year's marathon on November 2nd is bigger and better than ever!! Please help us beat last year's total of $50,021.58.  Share with your family and friends and help make a difference.  Thanks for all support of MCA Think BIG!

If you are sponsoring a child participating in Think BIG, please add that child's name to the comment with your donation.


  • Alison and Mason Barvitskie
    • $25 
    • 5 yrs


Ana Ditchey
Mount Carmel, PA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt