Mayumi's Surgery
Donation protected
Hi friends, family (and strangers?)
First, thank you for opening this link from anywhere that you saw it and reading my story!
Im not really sure where to begin... Mayumi is my amazing loveable shikoku, who is just over 8 years old. I got her when I was 21 after a breakup, and I waited on a waiting list for 2 years for her. She has been my best friend for the last 8 years, and has gone through thick and thin with me. Immediately when I got her, I knew this was my heart dog.
Just before her 3rd birthday, she got VERY sick, (as my friends and family know) I learned that she had end-stage liver failure and at the time pancreatic and kidney problems because of it. I maxed out my pet insurance and raised money for her CT and end of life care. After the CT, I was told she had multiple liver shunts, and it was not treatable; I should appreciate the time I have left with her.
I cried, I cried everyday for a month. I remember the moment the vet told me that, I walked into my house, sat immediately on the floor, and just cried. I love Mayumi, its very hard to explain to someone who isn’t a dog person, or has never had a pet, but that dog has been through every hard thing in my 20s, and it felt so unfair to learn at 22 (and she was 2) that she would maybe live pass 3.
She did though, that first year, I spent over 5k above her insurance, and we made it. Then the year after that and so on, and now she’s 8. I do not take for granted these extra years in any way shape or form. I know everyday is a gift given to me because I get another day with Mayumi.
Due to her liver problems, the vets did not want to spay her. They were not comfortable putting her under anesthetic because they weren’t sure how her liver would be able to process the drug. At the time, she was so sick, it did not seem necessary and honestly, I just didn’t think she would live long enough for any uterine problems to occur.
However, now they are occurring. She has Cystic endometrial hyperplasia. This basically means that either the cysts are cancerous, or it’s creating an environment where a pyometra can occur. A pyometra is a life-threatening condition. This condition, if not treated, will be life-threatening for Mayumi. Both my speciality vet and anesthesiologist have weighed the pros and cons and think this is a necessary procedure for Mayumi. It is however, not covered under pet insurance. I unfortunately cannot go to a regular vet and spay her; it has to be done with a specialist due to her liver problems.
I am going to do this procedure, I am going to save until I have the money for it, however I've just had surgery myself and have other costs for my own health. I do not want to have spent the last 5 years managing Mayumi’s liver problems for something that is fixable (removing her uterus) to be the cause of something now. If my dog can have a good quality life, I will do something about it.
5 years ago, friends and family helped me with small donations here and there, and I'm really hoping that they can help me again. I am in debt to every person that has helped or been there for me the last 5 years.
Thank you for reading my small essay <3


Allison Nadler
Mississauga, ON