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Maystache for COVID Relief

Spende geschützt
You are hereby invited to participate in (or support) Maystache.

What is Maystache, you ask?  It is a mustache-growing* charity event to raise funds and support for COVID-19 first responders and other at-risk populations… in May.  The premise is simple: each participant must start off the month clean-shaven.  As the month progresses, they must grow (or otherwise procure) a mustache.  Each mustache serves as a conversation starter for supporting those fighting this epidemic on the front lines.

* Do you need to grow a mustache to support Maystache?  No!  See the FAQs below for more details.

Regardless of if you’re growing or manufacturing your mustache, or disgusted by the idea of either, you can support this important cause by donating to our GoFundMe campaign.  All donations will go to NYC’s COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund [link] which supports healthcare workers, local businesses, displaced hourly workers, families, youth, and vulnerable New Yorkers experiencing the unprecedented impacts of COVID-19.  Not a penny will go to Clorox injections or UV radiation therapy.

Is this a shameless rip-off of Movember? Yes. Do we care? No. We're excited to raise awareness for this important cause. So get your razors and credit cards out, channel your inner Tom Selleck, and get ready to see some hideous facial hair this month :) 

Yours truly,
The Maystache Movement

Where does the money go? 100% of funds raised during Maystache will go to the NYC COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund [link], which provides immediate, flexible resources to support healthcare workers and essential staff, local small businesses, displaced hourly workers (including immigrant workers), and families, youth, and vulnerable New Yorkers.

How can I support Maystache if I can’t grow my own mustache? If you’re unable to grow a mustache au naturel but love the idea of having one, we encourage you to make your own (i.e., order one from the internet, or get creative with some makeup).  At the end of the month, we’ll have a contest to let participants show off their mouth manes.  Winners will be selected for 1) best real mustache, 2) best fake mustache, and 3) most money raised.  Still not convinced? If lip toupees are not your style, fear not: you can still support the cause by donating to our GoFundMe campaign!

What are the rules if I’m growing a mustache?
* RULE ONE Each participant must begin the 1st of Maystache with a clean shaven face.
* RULE TWO For the entire month of Maystache, each participant must grow and groom a mustache.
* RULE THREE Don’t fake it. No beards, no goatees.
* RULE FOUR Use the power of the mustache to spark conversation and raise funds to support our COVID-19 first responders and other at-risk populations.


  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 4 yrs
  • Neal Sangal
    • $106 
    • 4 yrs
  • Redesign Health
    • $1,000 
    • 4 yrs
  • Patrick Vergara
    • $50 
    • 4 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $30 
    • 4 yrs

Spendenteam (4)

Evan Gogel
New York, NY
Collin Peck-Gray
Team member
Jim Tormey
Team member
Nathan Marinoff
Team member

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt