MartyrMade Birthday Fundraiser
Tax deductible
Hi everybody. Well, we're coming up on the 4th of July once again, which can only mean one thing: it's my birthday! Last year on my birthday, you all came through in a huge way to help Kristina's House of Hope, a non-profit women's shelter in upstate New York, and I'm hoping we can come through again.
Why send donations to a giant faceless charity? I know the woman who runs Kristina's House of Hope personally - in fact, it was a conversation with her that sparked my viral Twitter thread back in 2020. She is a regular person who had no experience running a business or non-profit. After suffering a family tragedy, she decided to use her grief for good, and has thrown herself into building up the only full-service women's shelter in the region. A lot of us talk about making a difference, she's dedicating her life to it, but we can all help with just a small donation.
Kristina's House of Hope takes in homeless women suffering from trauma, neglect, and addiction. No one is turned away. KHOH provides a safe, stable environment, but it's more than just a place to stay. They help the women through rehabilitation and counseling, teach them skills they may lack (such as cooking), and provide a support structure to help ensure the women make it all the way back onto their feet.
Last year, your donations helped pay for food, medical care, furniture, household items, personal hygiene supplies, clothing and other daily necessities for the sheltered women. The house is old (built in 1915), but thanks to your donations last year, was extensively renovated and improved. This year KHOH is looking to buy another house to provide support for homeless men.
Many of us want to do something about our social crisis, but life gets in the way. But at Kristina's House of Hope, helping people is their life, so please consider pitching in a few tax-deductible bucks to help them continue their mission.
Darryl Cooper
San Diego, CA
Kristina's House of Hope