Marley the Hero
Hello I'm Alex, I am fundraising for my best friend Marley. I was 11 years old when I was introduce to Marley and have been best pals for seven strong years. On Wednesday, May 26th Marley was bitten twice by a rattle snake. Marley and I were inside the house watching television when the dryer buzzer went off that the clothing was done. I was opening the front door and Marley was right behind me when all of a sudden I heard a rattle to the left of me. Marley's instant reaction was to get between the rattle snake and I. At this point the rattle snake was furious and Marley tried the grab the rattle snake when it struck at me receiving Two lethal venom bites one on his tongue and the other his neck. Everything happened so quickly. I was able to grab Marley and take him inside, after he was bit and there was blood everywhere and Marley just collapsed to the ground crying in pain. I panicked and took him to the nearest veterinarian which was five miles away. The clinic did not have the vaccine and had to rush to the nearest pet hospital which was 25 mins away. Marley's face started to swell up and he began to start having breathing complications. Blood also began to start pouring from his mouth. I was so scared and tried to keep my cool and think fast because time was not on our side. I was able to call ahead of time to check him in and the technician were there waiting for my best friend. This was the most horrifying moment of my life not knowing if your best friend was going to make it through.
At the hospital Marley received two vaccines to help with the venom while I had to wait outside for further details. after some time, I was called to be informed that Marley was in critical condition and may not make it, but they would do everything they can to save him, but they will need the "resources" to continue his treatment first. I EMPTIED out my savings account to cover some of the cost. The Doctor made it clear that Marley was going to have to stay several days depending on his conditions and reaction to the venom. Since the tongue is a vital part of his body, it could have affected his nervous system so they may have to amputate part of his damaged tongue. The hospital gave me an estimate of $9000 to treat Marley with the possibility of him surviving not not being guaranteed. I am a full time student at a community college working part time at a restaurant. I clearly cannot afford the hospital bills but I was going to give my best friend a fighting chance. The hospital suggested to use one of their Financial care partners to cover the cost. I am currently asking for support to help to cover some of the cost and his future Doctor visits and therapy. Marley is no longer in danger but suffers nerve damage on his tongue and jaw and will require medication and weekly therapy visits.
Marley was given to me to help me loose weight because I was having health issues. Marley was my cardio partner because of his immense amount of energy. Thanks months of walking and playing with him, I notice my health complications began to go away and I was motivated to continue to lose weight. Marley means the world to me. He is not only is he my best friend, he is the brave hero that saved my life from a rattle snake. If it wasn't for him I don't know if I would have the opportunity to be here today.
I am completely grateful for all support and can't THANK everyone enough for taking the time to read my story and for making a contribution from their Blessed hearts. Thanks to all of you Marley and I will have the opportunity to make new memories and cherish every one of them.