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Mark Kristofferson's Memorial Fund

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In loving memory of Mark Kristofferson we are raising funds for the benefit of his daughters Amanda and Audrey.

On Saturday, February 10th Mark was celebrating Valentines Day with his love Alyson and his passion of cycling.  They were participating in the Tour de Palm Springs, a 100 mile race through the desert when they were struck by a car.  Mark was killed and Alyson was seriously injured.

Those of us who were fortunate enough to call him a friend knew him as a kind smart  sweet man with a positive attitude and a loving heart.  He will be greatly missed by many.

The funds will be administered by his family for his daughters to celebrate his life. 

Thank you you for your love and support for Mark's family.


  • Evan Jacover
    • $250 
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jennifer Doty
Los Angeles, CA
Heidi Kristofferson

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