Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Manchester's Bravest for the Savoys

Beschermde donatie
As a community comes to terms with the loss of a great husband, father and  coach, the Town of Manchester's First Responders are working to help a family get through the difficult months ahead.  On Wednesday, January 31st Bryan Savoy had suffered a medical emergency at his home resulting in his death.  There were more than twenty of the  best responders from The Manchester Fire Department, Manchester Fire Rescue EMS,  Manchester Police, and the Ambulance Service of Manchester who responded to save the life of this man.  As Responders we see heartache and tragedy everyday, but this was different.  Seeing the hurt of such a young family and watching them lose the rock of their foundation has brought our close group of men and women together for this common cause. We are asking for your help to allow this family to begin its healing process.  On behalf of Manchesters First Responders and The Blue Angels Foundation,  Shannon, Sarah, Joshua and Mason we are with you, your community is with you.  Please visit the link below to view Bryans obituary.



  • Jean Galper
    • $25 
    • 6 jaar

Organisator en begunstigde

Jason Smith
Manchester, CT
Shannon Savoy

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