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Lupus Sucks....Fight Like A Girl

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A very dear friend of mines, Tamika Harrison, has been battling with Lupus for over half her life. Once she was diagnosed in college, her life has been an uphill challenge. However, through it all she has managed to keep a smile on her face and a song in her heart. My friend is more than a conqueror, she's our SHERO! The way she shows strength, gives others the courage to keep going even when we wanna give up. She is at a stage now that she is in need of a kidney. Through it all, Tamika still continues to hold down her job. When her body chooses to fail her, she decides to keep it moving anyway. Nevertheless, Tamika will be on dialysis until she can recieve a kidney so it's gonna be really hard for her to work. Unfortunately, we all know the bills don't stop coming. I'm asking that you give whatever God lay on your hearts to give. No amount is too small! Thank you in advance for helping us to reach our goal.


  • Tracy McNeil
    • $15 
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Alicia Bryant
Riverdale, GA
Tamika Harrison

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