Love the Naraki Boys
Jen Naraki was a beloved wife and mother to 3 boys.
In June of 2017, Jen learned she had advanced ovarian cancer. Grueling chemo treatments began right away. And then came a complete hysterectomy. Through it all, Jen fought with everything she had. And at the end of her chemo, she was declared in remission! What a glorious gift that was.
Feeling better than she had in months, Jen jumped back into life with her typical gusto. Home schooling her boys, writing, cooking good food for her men, and sharing her passion for health--physical, emotional and spiritual--with the world.
Unfortunately, in 3 short months, the cancer came back. They found cancer nodules all through her abdomen. The doctors told her her cancer was incurable. It would keep returning. All they could offer her was time.
Jen lived almost a year after that diagnosis. She lived beautifully. Passionately. Fully. Her husband Scot cared for their boys and for her through it all. The boys were home, still schooling there and soaking up as much time with their mama as they could. They were all together and that was a great blessing.
Jen's greatest wish after her passing was that her family could still be together. She prayed that Scot could stay home and continue to school the boys, even after she was gone. Her vision was that they would all be together, schooling, living and loving, at the time when they would need each other the most.
Please help honor Jen's dream for her family by contributing to her campaign today. Rather than flowers, meals or gifts, your fincaial contribution means Scot can stay home one more day with the boys, just as Jen hoped he could. Please, won't you love the Naraki boys with us?