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LighthouseAcademy for Special Needs

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Dear family and friends in CHRIST,

                 We pray you are well and having a blessed year.  We would like to ask you to help with the mission God has set before us.  God has and is providing our needs. Things are tight, but I think a lot of us can relate to that. We know of many children and families only eating one meal a day, if that, and many children needing clothes and shoes and medical help. Jesus said, "...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me." (Matthew 25:35-40) We are so humbled God has chosen us to be blessed by the Khmer people.

The Gideons have asked me to be part of their team, here in Sihanoukville, to distribute Bibles as needed. God has answered yours and our prayers and we have Bibles. Khmer and English. But we now need to take them out into this country. There are millions of people that have never heard about JESUS. What better way to reach these broken people, but through His Holy Word.

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose”. We are now running a Christian School (LIGHTHOUSE ACADEMY). Many years ago, God gave Trudy and me the passion for helping children in need. This school is one of very few, of its kind, in Cambodia. We will dedicate the majority of our time to special needs students. There is a big population of children, here, with special needs. Many are not able to go to regular school and many are not accepted in the school system. Also, we will be tutoring and teaching English, to the general population and underprivilaged students, of school age students. We will be running the school and worship out of our home. The majority of the Khmer people are very poor. We would like to accept students, even if they are poor and cannot pay. We will be helping all those families in need, also. We give discounts and free tuition to most of our students. Our first objective is to share the love of Christ. Our first week we had 4 special needs students and around 40 Khmer students in our English classes. Our 2nd week, we had around 50 Khmer students in our English classes. On Fridays we lead a worship service, out of our home, for our students and our community. At least one day a week, we manage, help and support (through the support of donors)a mission outreach at a small village, close by. God is also using us to help run an International fellowship gathering . All glory to God.  

   Most of all, we ask you to pray. Pray for the people of Cambodia. Pray for their salvation. And pray for my family. That God will strengthen us daily, to do His work and be the disciples and disciple makers, He wants us to be. I know GOD will be victorious, with or without us. But He has commanded my family to “Go” and we will go wherever He leads.

   We are now asking for help. Prayers first and next, help by partnering with us with financial support, to further God's kingdom. Any financial support given, if designated, 100% will go to that. If not designated, the support will help wherever needed, 100% to the ministry.

The evil one fights us hard here. So We expect many problems. God is always bigger. I know God will work it all out, because where God sends, He also equips and protects. I am adding our address here, and if you'd like, you can send things straight to us. But a word of warning, some things may not make it here. It is also very expensive to mail items here. In the future we hope to have a better way of receiving support, but for now, this is where we’ll start.

We pray that this school will support itself, within a few years, at a small level, but we feel God can do this big. So we want to move forward with big in mind. We want to build an American style school, here in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. This school will be dedicated to God. Within the next 2-5 years. We know all things are possible with God. He will use us all to accomplish this. I am praying that all of our families and friends and their friends and many churches will pledge an offering towards this mission. God is doing wonderful things here. I think we can reach this entire city for Christ, if we will all work together to reach this goal. Any of you can even come here, on mission trips to help or even stay for a year or more. We have plenty to do. Just contact me if you are interested. We especially need Christian teachers.

Thank you ahead of time for anything you are able to do. You are in our prayers. May God, our Father, shower His blessing upon you and your families. Together we all can make a difference.

May GOD bless y’all,

Michael and Trudy Loftis         
P.O. Box 9561      
Post Code 18000          
Sihanouk Province, Cambodia         

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  • David & Tonya Young
    • $200 
    • 4 yrs
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Mike Trudy Loftis
Marion, NC

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