Levering Family
Spende geschützt
Please help the RHS Health and PE department to raise money for one of Robbinsville's most loved families as they just experienced a tremendous loss of their house in a fire on April 6th. Although nothing can replace what they have lost, we hope that this can ease the financial burden they are facing while they cope with the loss of their house.
The Levering girls, (Nicole, Courtney, Christine and Jackie) were all Robbinsville High School graduates and Christine is currently a Health and Physical Education teacher and coach at the High School. Bill and Gael Levering have always been Robbinsville's biggest community supporters.
Any small amount is appreciated.
The Levering girls, (Nicole, Courtney, Christine and Jackie) were all Robbinsville High School graduates and Christine is currently a Health and Physical Education teacher and coach at the High School. Bill and Gael Levering have always been Robbinsville's biggest community supporters.
Any small amount is appreciated.
Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter
Jennamarie Colicchia
Trenton, NJ
Gael Levering