Let's support Mike & Amy's sobriety!
Donation protected
If you know Mike Palmer, for him to not drink for a YEAR is quite a feat. Mike (and his wife Amy, in solidarity), set out to improve their lives a year ago and got sober. It's doing wonders for their health, their relationship, and their lives in general. It would mean a lot for Mike to get a huge show of support from his friends at the one-year anniversary of his giving up alcohol. I'd like to reward them both with a special trip to NY to see Billy Joel, his absolute favorite artist. Going there is probably not in his sights at all and this gift (which is a surprise) should floor him and knowing his friends are behind him should keep him on the right track in the future.
Again - this is a surprise! Please don't share with Mike or Amy. Their one-year mark is Sept. 23rd so if you're considering a donation, please contribute before then. Thank you!
UPDATE - You guys are the best! I was told we'd smash the ceiling I set and you did it...so I raised the goal! I'm thrilled the money we have will take care of tickets and hotel, and now we're approaching food money, gas and even a cat sitter is in sight! Keep it up and anything helps, even if you can't donate money, reach out and I'll brainstorm a way you can help Mike out.
UPDATE #2! - We're in the final month and there's a new way to help Mike out. One thing that keeps him centered is his art - drawing and sculpture, specifically. On Facebook recently, Mike said he was running out of art supplies. So, any money that doesn't go to the NYC trip will go to the supplies on this list. If you want to help directly, go ahead and check out what he needs!:
Paul Preston
Burbank, CA