Let’s Help Payson Beat Leukemia
In mid-September, Payson was diagnosed with B cell ALL Luekemia, just two weeks after her 3rd birthday.
Her parents, Chris and Traci, are some of my closest friends. They are the most loving supportive parents you could imagine. Chris served time in the Navy working aboard aircraft carriers overseas, and he is now pursuing his passion for acting. Traci is an incredibly talented hair stylist and one of the hardest workers I know. Payson gets her brave personality from both of them, and with their help, she has been so strong going through her treatments this far.
They have all 3 been going through the toughest times. Chris and Traci are doing their absolute best to be strong for Payson and help her through this, all while working hard to pay for all of Payson’s medical bills.
I want to try to raise money to help fund Payson’s Leukemia treatments. I want to give Chris and Traci one less thing to stress about right now so they can focus on Payson and her health.
I know with Covid-19 and the financial stressors that have come with it, that this is not an easy time for anyone to give money. It is ok if you don’t have much to offer, but any amount, even just a dollar, will help SO much.
Let’s help Payson fight Leukemia!