Let’s get our Hero Stephen back on his feet!
Steppin Field ……… lost all he had, when the Duplex he was living in caught fire on 11/06/19Starting in the upstairs apartment.
As confirmed by the Waterloo, IA Fire Marshall, Steppin was single handedly responsible for leading 3 small children ( all under the age of 4) living in the apartment where the fire started within the Duplex, to safety He smelled smoke and when he couldn’t understand why the alarms were going off, he looked around, confused and worried. He then heard the children crying.
Rather than running for his own safety, Steppin selflessly ran up to their locked apartment (the smoke was now billowing) and after talking the oldest baby through how to unlock the door, he then removed them from the smoked filled house, along with his dog Oreo.
never thinking about what he could have grabbed for himself, just getting those baby’s out of danger, he lost everything he had. All of his clothes and belongings along with that of his 9 year old Dalmatian mix, Oreo which is his best friend.
The Fire Marshall says that it has been quite a while since they have seen such a selfless act as this and has nothing but good things to say about our friend, Steppin.
Always thinking of others, along with his always upbeat personality and positive attitude are just a couple of the qualities that make Stephen such an amazing friend.
Monday, December 16th he will attend a meeting he was invited to attend by the Waterloo Fire Marshall, downtown at city hall in Waterloo.
it would be amazing to be able to show him the support he’s always given everyone around him by helping him raise the money to get back on his feet and into a permanent home. Although the amazing generosity of Ms. Mary Robinson, the chaplain at his work has spend endless hours doing everything she can to help him, funds ran low and he wasn’t able to stay at the motel she had helped him get into, now, he is currently staying at different friends houses, whoever will help him out
It is Our wish is to raise the money needed for a deposit and at least the first months rent for a one bedroom apartment/house that allows dogs. This would help him not only have a place to call home again, but not worry about where he will lay his head and allow him the time to rebuild the necessary funds to rebuild everything he lost in the fire, as he is currently living with the very few items he has received handed down from friends.
thank you for taking the time to read this, andI pray you can open your hearts this holiday season to help someone in need.
God Bless