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Lest We Forget Campaign

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Lest We Forget: Lynching at the Stewart Road Bridge       
There are spaces we enter on a regular basis without awareness of their significant history. The purpose of this memorial is to remember those lynched at the Stewart Road Bridge. Although the Stewart Road Bridge no longer stands at the intersection of Providence and Stewart Road, the recorded 4,154 souls who were lynched in the U.S. should be recognized and commemorated, even if just in the small town of Columbia.  The University of Missouri's Association of Black Graduate and Professional Students (ABGPS) wishes to commemorate this space by placing a historical marker at the site where the bridge once stood. This goal aligns with the efforts in the greater Columbia community to create a trail of historical markers throughout the city. We would like you to join us in this endeavor by contributing to our gofundme campaign. In order for the historical marker to be placed, we need to raise $1500. We hope to raise these funds by Friday, February 12th, which is when we will hold a celebration to honor the lives that were lost at the Stewart Road Bridge. The celebration will feature a symposium on the history of lynching in Columbia. At this time, we will acknowledge donors who contributed to this effort. We appreciate your time and hope you strongly consider making a financial contribution today.


  • Evan Prost
    • $100 
    • 8 yrs

Organizador e beneficiário

Tiffanesha Williams
Columbia, MO

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