Hope for Healing
My name is Lenora, administrator ("myeagermind") of the popular blog "Lenora's Cultural Foray into History." I have been suffering from Gastroparesis, an incurable digestive disorder for 18 years that prevents my stomach muscles from processing food . . . I struggle to eat once a day and barely manage to eat a half cup to cup of food per day.
After so many years of chronic nausea and vomiting, I finally had to get a Gastric Bypass last November. The persistent vomiting also caused erosion of my teeth, and I have even lost teeth because of the Gastroparesis. Like so many others, I have no dental insurance, and very much need to get dentures because of the dental pain I experience.
I have also been diagnosed with an Iron Overload disease called, Hereditary Hemochromatosis. There is no cure and the only way to rid my body of the excess Iron is to have phlebotomy treatments every month until Iron levels are normal but this could take a year. I will Have to be monitored every two months to check my iron levels.
This is discouraging as I am only 50 years old (being seen in public is embarrassing because of the condition of my teeth). Fatigue, dental pain, vitamin deficiency, low potassium, and elevated liver enzymes and cholesterol have brought me to this ultimate state of stress.
I am writing my first novel, and have two more in the works, yet this debilitation has dominated my life and kept me from doing what I love.
I live solely on Social Security Disability without a car to get any of my needs.
Food stamps of $40/month are vastly insufficient for the specific foods I need to remain healthy.
Many of the medical procedures I need are not covered by Medicare/Medicaid. I see a specialist for this rare ailment in July. It is likely I will need a Gastric Pacemaker.
Unfortunately, family is not in a position to help me, so I am alone.
Any donation, large or small, will be so appreciated.
Thank you and blessings to those that help others.Save