Unconventional Gratitude Book
Donation protected
This book project will be written by me at home or in other locations while wearing yoga pants and an inside-out Tshirt.
I've written approximately 1/3 of this book and will need about 6 months to complete the rest. Expect books by the end of this year.
Here is a chart outlining how the raised monies will be used.

Seriously, though, I make my living writing so I can use a portion of my time giving to causes and communities I'm passionate about. If you're a woman of color or queer (or both!) please let me know if I can support you with any of my skills. You'll find my resume here. Contact me through my website .
The women in the book include:
Margaret Cho MargaretCho.com
Luvvie Ajayi Luvvie.org
Isabel Kallman AlphaMom.com
A'Driane Nieves AddyeB.com
Karen Walrond Chookooloonks.com
Tina Fey Biography
Kelly Wickham Hurst KellyWickham.com
Amy Turn Sharp AmyTurnSharp.com
Ann Curry Wikipedia
Robin Wade RobinWade.com
Yoko Ono Imagine Peace
Elan Morgan ElanMorgan.com
Heather Armstrong Dooce.com
Amy Sedaris AmySedarisRocks.com
Stefania Pomponi CLEVER
Laurie Notaro LaurieNotaro.com
Brook Busey aka Diablo Cody IMDb
Elisa Camahort Page Blogher.com
Jenny Lawson TheBloggess.com
Carrie Fisher CarrieFisher.com
Ree Drummond ThePioneerWoman.com
Michelle Obama Biography
Malala Yousafzai Malala.org
Queen Oprah Winfrey Oprah.com
You can read an example letter on my website Leahpeah.com here: Phyllis
More videos can be found in my Kickstarter updates:
Kelly Wickham Hurst
Luvvie Ajayi, Elisa Camahort Page, & Amy Sedaris
Amy Turn Sharp
Leah Roberts Peterson
San Diego, CA