The fence that will protect us!
Donation protected
El Hogar Fundación in Spain - Website
(text in Spanish below/texto en español debajo)
25 hectares to rescue and recover animal victims of abuse?
Yes, it exists! The foundation "El Hogar Animal Sanctuary" has this incredible land, but they need to fence all the land to be able to use it in its entirety. At the moment there are 300 animals housed in just a few parks. if we don't fence more, this animal liberation project is in danger, let us explain.
The El Hogar Foundation urgently needs to fence off the perimeter of the sanctuary that is home to almost 300 animals that are victims of mistreatment.
Among other reasons, we are being besieged by hunters and their dogs; the boars and other survivors of the hunt now shivering see the armed men again at their side and Ruth the deer, disappearing for days as they enter. Others stop eating and crying volunteers have to stay by their side to protect them.
If everyone who sees this would donate even €5, we could build the fence. For you, it would be a single donation in your lifetime and for us the possibility of saving hundreds of animals for many generations, because this fence will always protect us.
Thank you very much for your help!
Background to know:
In "El Hogar" we created a fundraising campaign to be able to fence the land some time ago. With a lot of work, we managed to raise money to buy almost all the materials (wooden poles and enough mesh rolls for the perimeter and doors).
Since we couldn't find the money to pay a company to build the fence, we called for volunteers to form work groups and build it ourselves, but that didn't work out.
Since ours is such steep and rocky terrain, it is very hard to build and requires very powerful tools to do this work. So the materials have been sitting on the ground for almost a year, unused.
In the meantime there have been some emergencies that had to be solved, such as the unexpected arrival of "Mander", the sick wild boar, for which we had to build his own park for his quarantine otherwise, the administrations would force us to kill him, so we had to take some of the material from the perimeter fence to save him.
Another urgency we had to solve was that the hunters' dogs were getting into a space where vulnerable animals lived, ducks, chickens and pigs, all of them elderly, so we had to fence and protect the space to avoid accidents.
Still, we have more than half of the material left to fence.
What exactly do we need?
We need a corporate donor to sponsor the construction of the fence by paying a company to do the work. Or fundraising through platforms like Gofundme and social networks to pay the construction company.
Reasons why we need to fence urgently explained in detail:
1. Hunters (armed) and their dogs enter the sanctuary harassing our animals several days a week. Both the local police, Seprona (local wildlife protection) and forestry agents tell us that either we fence off the perimeter of the land, or they can't do anything. These accidents will happen again.
2. People sneak onto the property with their dogs picking mushrooms, riding horses or walking. They have access to animal parks without our supervision. It can be dangerous to the animals or to humans if they want to pet them without the animals knowing them.
3. The animals at the sanctuary need to change parks. 3 years in the same park limits their happiness and they no longer have grass to eat.
4. The land dies if we don't let it rest. Those parks are arid, they are just mud. We have to move the animals so that the land can recover.
5. We cannot rescue more animals if there is no more fenced (protected) space for them.
6. The administrations ask us for double fencing for parks where there are swine (wild boars, pigs or Vietnamese pigs). We have pigs in all the parks, the perimeter fence would be the perfect solution to make it count as the double fence in all the parks.
7. Sanctuary dogs could go out off-leash, unleashed. Without fear of encountering dogs of hunters or outside visitors. They could live on the loose without fear of being run over on the adjoining roads, where they can now end up if we let them loose since there is no fence to delimit the land safe for them.
8. The sanctuary's economy would benefit greatly because one of the highest expenses is the purchase of weekly food and fodder for the animals. When we put up the fence, the animals will eat the grass, bushes, acorns, wild strawberries and other riches that the land has and that are now rotting without them being able to take advantage of them. With the crisis and drought that we are suffering, this would be the best option for economic survival.
9. If we fence the entire property, the inhabitants will be able to clean up while feeding naturally. This will prevent possible fires, which is another of the dangers we face. And every year it is worse because of the drought we are experiencing. Hiring forestry personnel to "clean it up" costs about 1200 € per hectare. If we have 25 hectares, to prevent fires we would have to pay before the summer 30.000 €. It is our responsibility, as forest owners, to have the land cleared, but nobody has cleared these lands in 40 years. Imagine how they are in terms of flammable biological material.
10. When we were in Tarragona, on the land that was fenced, almost all the animals lived together. Having so much space, the territories were very well managed and it was incredible to see the peaceful coexistence that reigned there. Incredible friendships were created there, like the wild boar "Kat" with the horses, some sheep with the big pigs, the cows with "Ruben" the donkey, they were all a big family that moved as a block every dawn to graze together or go back to the sleeping area.
We lost that here, because by fencing off only small parks we couldn't get everyone together in these spaces. When we put the fence on the land then they will all live together again, and those old friends, who had to be separated, will be reunited.
La valla que nos protegerá
¿25 hectáreas para rescatar y recuperar animales víctimas de malos tratos?.
Sí, existe, aunque parezca un sueño, juntas lo podemos hacer realidad:
La fundación El Hogar dispone de estas tierras increíbles, pero necesitan vallarlas para poderlas utilizar en su totalidad. Actualmente hay casi 300 animales acogidos en solo algunos parques, si no vallamos más, este proyecto de liberación animal corre peligro, déjanos explicarte:
La fundación El Hogar, necesitamos vallar de forma urgente el perímetro del santuario que acoge a casi 300 animales víctimas de malos tratos. Entre otros motivos, estamos siendo asediados por los cazadores y sus perros; los jabalíes y otros supervivientes de la caza ahora tiritando ven a los hombres armados nuevamente a su lado y Ruth la cierva, desaparece por días cuando ellos entran. Otros dejan de comer y las voluntarias llorando tenemos que permanecer a su lado para protegerlos.
Si todas las personas que vieran este este llamamiento donaran aunque sea 5 €, podríamos construir la valla. Para ellas sería una sola donación en su vida y para nosotras la posibilidad de salvar cientos de animales durante un montón de generaciones, porque esta valla, nos protegerá siempre.
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda!
Motivos por los que necesitamos vallar urgente:
1 Los cazadores (armados) y sus perros entran en el santuario acosando a nuestros animales varios días por semana. Mossos d'esquadra, Seprona y forestales nos dicen que, o vallamos el perímetro de las tierras, o no pueden hacer nada. Estos accidentes volverán a pasar.
2. La gente se cuela en la finca con sus perros cogiendo setas, montando a caballo o paseando. Ellos tienen acceso a parques de animales sin nuestra supervisión
Puede ser peligroso para los animales o para humanos si quieren acariciarlos sin que los animales los conozcan.
3. Los animales del santuario necesitan cambiar de parque. 3 años en el mismo parque limita su felicidad y ya no tienen hierba que comer.
4. La tierra se muere si no la dejamos descansar. Esos parques están yermos, son sólo barro. Tenemos que trasladar a los animales para que la tierra se pueda recuperar
5. No podemos rescatar a más animales si no hay más espacio vallado (protegido) para ellos.
6. Las administraciones nos piden doble valla para los parques donde haya suidos( jabalíes, cerdos o vietnamitas). Nosotras tenemos en todos los parques suidos, la valla perimetral sería la solución perfecta para que cuente como la doble valla de todos los parques.
7. Los perros del santuario podrían salir sin correa, sueltos. Sin miedo a que se encuentren con perros de cazadores o visitantes externos. Podrían vivir sueltos sin miedo a que les atropellen por las carreteras colindantes donde ahora pueden acabar si los soltamos, ya que no hay valla delimitadora del terreno seguro para ellos.
8. La economía del santuario se beneficiaría mucho pues uno de los gastos más elevados es la compra de comida semanal de forrajes para los animales. Cuando vallemos los animales pondrán comer la hierba, arbustos, bellotas, fresas silvestres y otras riquezas que tiene el terreno y que ahora se pudren sin que ellos las puedan aprovechar. Con la crisis y sequía que estamos sufriendo, sería la mejor opción para sobrevivir económicamente.
9. Si vallamos la finca, los habitantes podrán desbrozar al mismo tiempo que se alimentan de forma natural. Esto evitará posibles incendios que es otro de los peligros que nos acecha. Y cada año peor por la sequía que estamos viviendo. Contratar personal forestal que “la limpie” cuesta unos 1200 € por hectárea. Si tenemos 25 hectáreas, para evitar incendios tendríamos que pagar entes del verano: 30.000 €. Es nuestra responsabilidad, como propietarios forestales, de tener la finca saneada, pero estas tierras nadie las ha desbrozado en 40 años. Imaginaros cómo están de material biológico inflamable.
10. En Tarragona, cuando estábamos en la finca que sí estaba vallada, vivían casi todos los animales juntos. Al tener tanto espacio, se gestionaban muy bien los territorios y era increíble ver la convivencia pacífica que reinaba en ese lugar. Allí se crearon amistades increíbles, como la jabalí Kat con los caballos, algunas ovejas con los cerdos grandes, las vacas con Rubén el burro, todos eran una gran familia que se movían en bloque cada amanecer para juntos pastar o volver a la zona de dormir. Eso, lo perdimos aquí, porque al vallar solo pequeños parques no podíamos meter a todos juntos en estos espacios. Cuando vallemos el terreno, volverán a vivir todos juntos y se reencontrarán esos viejos amigos que se tuvieron que separar.
Tavertet, CT