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Lana Lynn has Leukemia Love4Lana

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Lana Lynn Lang was diagnosed at 6 months old with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Her mother Rhonda Poole is my best friend. She has been traveling 4 hours one way, back and for to Washington DC for Lana's  chemo  treatments for  the last 5 months. 

I am raising money for Rhonda, she is a wonderful mother to 3 amazing children. This has taken a HUGE financial and emotional toll on her and her children.
Help me try and make it a little easier for her so she doesn't have to worry about things like gas for traveling the 4 hours, eating, and other expenses while she is with Lana at Children's National Medical Center. 

Rhonda Poole is the beneficiary of this account!!!

Thank you very much.
Debbie Wright
Faire un don


  • Raymond Michaud
    • $200
    • 5 yrs
Faire un don

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Debbie Desjardins Wright
Temperanceville, VA
Rhonda Poole

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