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Kristy-lee's 2nd Lung Transplant

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Let me tell you about my sister.

Kristy-lee was born with Cystic Fibrosis.  She wasn't meant to live past 5 years old, but she thundered through that life expectancy.  Doctors have been bewildered by her stubborn will to live, and she proves to us all, that a strong spirit will always get you over the finish line.

Kristy has suffered immeasurably throughout her 36 years of life, yet she has managed to sustain a 12 year marriage, foster children who have struggled in their family unit, and be a constant rock for her friends and family. She is known by us all as the party planner.
Kristy's constant battle to stay alive has taken it's toll on her body, and unfortunately she has not been able to start her own family - even after countless attempts and money spent on IVF. This has never stopped her from being a mother. She has mothered my children, my sisters children, and our cousins children. Her energy and enthusiasm for little people is such a joyful thing to witness that it has been a real tragedy to not see her have her own family.

Kristy-lee had a double lung transplant in 2013 because her lungs were dying. It was hard for her to get herself well enough to be listed but she fought her way on to that list and got her transplant. Life was the best it had ever been! She moved away from our mother for the first time in her life to live in Port Macquarie, and also managed to travel to Thailand and Bali - something that was never an option for her before the transplant. She was kicking GOALS!

Unfortunately, Kristy went into rejection in 2018. She became so sick that the doctors decided there was nothing they could do for her, and they diagnosed her as palliative. This was devastating. None of us were able to accept this, including Kristy. She said to the doctor, "What do I have to do to get back on the list for a second transplant? They told her how, but reasoned it would be too difficult for her to do all the things required, and that she was too far gone in her deterioration.

But she got stubborn! It was only 1 month later that she was able to proudly tick every box on the list of things to qualify her for a second transplant, and she was put on the list a second time. Kristy-lee had managed to bring tears to the eyes of the transplant team.

Fast foward to the second transplant and now we are in recovery. Kristy-lee was warned how hard it would be, however no one really knew just how hard it was actually going to be. Kristy has had blood clots, fluid on the lungs, a collapsed lung, dialysis, chest infections, dramatic weight loss, chronic muscle fatigue and now she has pneumonia.  She has been cut open, prodded, pricked and had cannulas in both sides of her neck - the amount of tubes and drains coming out of her is hard to fathom.

My sister loves living. She loves her family and friends, and has always been adventurous. She's not ready to die. But the only way for her to sustain a strong spirit and a determined will to live is by being surrounded constantly by the love of her friends and family. If anyone has been to the Prince Charles Hospital in Chermside, you will know its a great hospital but expensive to travel to from the south side.
You have the toll bridge everyday both ways, $20 a day for parking, and the petrol. My mother will often go to the hospital at 8am in the morning, and not come home until 10pm at night.  

Money is running out. My mother has had to stop her job complete to care for my sister, and now it has been over 12 months of no work and its taking its toll on the finances. To top it off, Kristy-lee's husband's job has ended and he has been forced to contemplate leaving Kristy, and apply for jobs in Balina and Melbourne, but with no success yet. 

My family is in great need of financial help. It has taken a long time to get the courage up to ask our family, friends, and other community members to help us. But in times of life and death, and when one of the people that you love the most in the whole world is knocking on heavens door, you have to let go of pride.

Im sorry this is long, but to ask you all for help would be disrespectful to not give you the whole story.

God Bless you all,
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