Korissa Kelly Rebuilding after Nashville Bombing
Christmas morning a bomb was detonated in Nashville and completely destroyed a block of downtown.
My sister, Korissa had just moved in a little over two weeks ago and her apartment is now unrecognizable. For whatever reason on Christmas Eve, she chose to move her bed to a different wall in her bedroom, and thank god she did. The windows, doors, and parts of a brick wall were exploded in the blast. She escaped safely, with her puppy Bubba. Thank God.
Now as the chaos settles, reality is setting in. After moving into her apartment just two weeksago, Korissa has lost everything. The building that she was living in has sustained extensive damage and she will not be able to return to it. Things and items can be replaced, but Korissa is going to need to rebuild the life that she had only just put together. If you are able to help out in any way, or are able to share this post - I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you all for your well wishes during this horrible time. My family is so grateful to everyone who reached out and sent prayers Korissa’s way. God bless.