Veteran gets his house back!
Donation protected

A few months ago our County Veteran's Affairs office was contacted by an 82 year old Veteran that was in fear of losing his home and he was in the hospital at the time recovering from a triple bypass surgery. The Veteran had fell behind on payments on his home after several surgeries and had applied for assistance through a state program called StepForward. The Veteran had been conditionally approved through the program and was informed that his house would not be foreclosed upon while the program processed his application. The Veteran received a letter from StepForward a few weeks later informing him that he was being removed from the program without providing an exact reason why. After contacting our office we contacted the court to obtain the date and time of the pending sheriff sale. I was surprised to find out that the sheriff sale was scheduled for that day at 10:00 a.m. I immediately drafted an emergency temporary motion to save the house from going to sheriff sale until I could obtain the necessary funds to pay the Veteran's past due amount on the mortgage, which at that time was $4000.00. Unfortunately the Judge denied the motion and the house sold at Sheriff Sale for $132,000.00. The house is currently in a redemption period we are trying to raise the amount requested to keep the Veteran in the home and I have exhausted most of my resources because there are no federal or state programs that can offer the amount of money needed to save the home. The Veteran is wheel chair bound and more than likely would not survive the transition. All proceeds will go directly to the Veteran.
Joshua Parish
Genoa Township, MI