Knowledge is stronger than cancer!
Donation protected

Dear Friend,
Over the past eight years Saglyk has written over twenty blog posts about how to diagnose and prevent cancer—a disease that nearly everyone has been touched by in Turkmenistan, whether through a loved one, relative, friend, or neighbor.
With February 4th being World Cancer Day, we are asking you to support our public health literacy work—and our efforts to educate around cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment—by donating to Saglyk.org .
In the past few years, you might have come across fundraising campaigns on social media to help Turkmen nationals raise funds for cancer treatments overseas. Turkmen nationals increasingly and desperately turn to medical tourism to treat cancer, which takes them to destinations such as India, Turkey and Russia. We at Saglyk have witnessed the culture of hopelessness and the harmful myths perpetuated about cancer in Turkmen society.
2014 WHO statistical data highlights that 4,000 people die every year from cancer in Turkmenistan. Doctors and observers note that this number might be much higher. Breast cancer in women and stomach and lung cancer in men are the leading causes of mortality among cancer patients. Children diagnosed with leukaemia might have 40-50% chance of survival in Turkmenistan while it is at 90% in the developed countries. Many medical professionals with expertise in the region and in Turkmenistan agree that early diagnostics and detection are poorly developed.
With our writing on cancer prevention and diagnosis, Saglyk is the only platform that has been consistently working online for the last eight years on improving health literacy in the Turkmen language.
Your donation is essential to help us continue producing content on cancer and other critical issues important for the public in Turkmenistan, including sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), family planning, and reproductive health.
Today we would like to tell our compatriots that cancer is not a death sentence.
Bilim rakdan üstündir! Знание сильнее рака! Knowledge is stronger than cancer!
With scientifically reliable, modern and user-friendly information on cancer prevention in Turkmen and Russian, we can improve the understanding of people living with the disease in Turkmenistan of their condition. Saglyk focuses on prevention and early diagnosis of cancer by producing user-friendly information in the Turkmen language. Detecting cancer in its early stages often provides the best options and chances for a cure. Both government and individuals have the responsibility and capacity to detect it at early stages.
For detailed information in Turkmen, Russian and English please visit www.saglyk.org
Every donation counts! There is no small or big donation.
Thank you for your support.
Saglyk Team
Organizer and beneficiary
Jahan Saparova
Washington D.C., DC
Nancy Haselden