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Kiersten Bankowski Memorial

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This is being conveyed with the heaviest of hearts. Hours prior to what would’ve been the 34th celebration, of the purest soul ever brought into this world….that precious being was instead, tragically stripped from the roots of our hearts. It would be impossible to count the number of hurting hearts that, skipped a sorrowful beat upon hearing of the unimaginable. Kiersten evoked a positive first, and lasting impression on everyone who was blessed enough to know and love her. People were drawn to her captivating eyes, contagiously friendly smile, and her genuine tone. Her energy was among other things…fierce, but gentle, savage - but yet sensitive. Kiersten loved passionately and unapologetically. She possessed values, integrity, character, a moral compass, she had your back, and she could effortlessly & continuously make you laugh- no matter what your mood. Kiersten was always thinking of others- from a “check in” text, to her utilizing her creative brain to make something special for you. She was adventurous, playful, free spirited, and was not fearsome of taking smart risks. She didn’t just exist, she lived. You would feel happier, extra confident, and more courageous just being in her presence. She made you feel you could do or be anything! Kiersten manifested her crafty nature & great taste, paired with her ambition, drive, intelligence, and work ethic into her own small business- (ADCS Reserve-an acronym for her children). Piling on reasons to admire, adore, appreciate, emulate and love Kiersten. She encompassed all the qualities one could ever hope for in a daughter, a sibling, a partner, and a friend. But most importantly……in a Mom Kiersten had an innate, natural ability to nurture, console, communicate, express affection & acceptance, and promote individuality…..just a few more reasons why Kiersten was an especially unique Mom. It’s like she was destined to be a Mom, and she knew it, loved it, embraced, and rocked it. Kiersten unwillingly leaves behind 4 fragile hearts that call her Mom. They have been unfairly cheated out of being raised by a woman, who made the world a more joyous place just by being in it. Kiersten’s babies were her life, her everything, and they felt her unconditional love every day. Now their everyday is forever changed. Their holiday traditions will alter, their birthdays -forever void of the person who made their day extra special. Their mom’s birthday always being a reminder of the one she never got to celebrate. Always dreaming of, but never getting in - that one last hug, kiss, I love you, or one last goodbye. It is physically painful to wrap our heads around what her babies, Audrina (14), Desare (12), Charlie (6), and Scarlett (5) are feeling, and trying to process at this time. There is comfort in knowing they are surrounded and protected by the immense love of family members and friends. Without a doubt, Kiersten's family will make whatever sacrifices necessary, to ensure that their needs are being met. As best they can in Kiersten's absence. Selflessness is admirable and commendable, but can mean forfeiting your own grief and healing, to prioritize another's. As sympathetic, and sad as we may feel for the kids and all of Kiersten’s family, we also have the privilege of going back to living our own lives outside of theirs. They can never go back to the way it was, and the carefree, happy lives Kiersten created for them. All we can do right now is get Kiersten’s back, and provide whatever support her family needs to help hold them up. The overwhelming waves of emotion, responsibility, pressure, and various forms of stress can drown grieving loved ones. The sudden, unexpected financial burden alone can be devastating. This Go Fund Me is being set up anticipative of alleviating any of the financial stresses weighted upon the shoulders of Kiersten’s family. The family is so very grateful for any donations that will help cover funeral expenses, and to assist with any other family expenses. They sincerely thank you for all your love, support, and patience as they trudge forward at their own pace, while navigating the unbearable grief and healing process. selfless fragile hearts belong to Kiersten’s babies Desarae 12, Audrina 14 , Charlie 6, and Scarlet 5. The smallest of hearts carry the most weight in love, Kiersten was the epitome of kindness. 
Je contribue


  • Anonyme
    • $20 
    • 5 mos
  • Alice Perkins
    • $20 
    • 6 mos
  • Nick Hamilton
    • $100 
    • 6 mos
  • Jennifer Elam
    • $250 
    • 6 mos
  • Katelyn Skerry
    • $20 
    • 7 mos
Je contribue

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Brieyana Santana
Westford, MA
Judith Bankowski

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