Kevin Mack Recovery Fund
Many of you know this lovely mug from times of laughter and libation. If you've patronized Dancing Gnome at any point over the past few years, even over the past few months, you know Kevin Mack.
The professionals of any service industry, including those in craft beer, have already been hit hard this year with the COVID-19 pandemic. Bartenders that would work several hours a week and greet you with smiling faces and a cold beer have had their hours -- and tips, cut severely. It hasn't been easy on any of us, I'll acknowledge that, but servers and customer facing jobs have had the hardest impact. The giant hurdle that a debilitating injury creates as we head into choppier waters is something that no one should be faced with.
In the early afternoon of Friday, November 6th, Kevin was riding his bike past Children's Hospital -- on his way to greet many of you in the DG Garden, and was hit by a dark SUV that fled the scene.
After being taken to the hospital, Kevin was faced with a broken tailbone and two fractured vertebrae. While he is now home resting and has healthcare coverage, he will not be able to work or create murals for several months while in recovery.
Now, I know how much we all talk about how much we come together within craft beer, and I can tell you 100% how much I believe it. Myself, along with Gary, Josh, Buzzy and a few other great people that you probably know have been wanting to do something for Kevin since the moment it happened. I spoke to him earlier this week and we received the okay to go for it. We are currently fundraising to help Kevin cover any additional and unexpected expenses.