Help black Transwoman Secure Housing
Kenrick Morrison is organizing this fundraiser.
Donation protected
!!! Please take time to read!!!!!URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!
My name is alicia k Miller (kenrick) being my legal name but i dont use it . I am 22 years old, I am a Black Transgender woman/aslyum seeker from Jamaica currently living in Spain. I am seeking help for housing and basic needs.The life experience of being a black transwoman is hard and challenging.The government is rejecting my application for aid. So i decided to created this GoFundMe to seek mutual aid to secure housing because the government has denied me help. I had to seek asylum in Spain because my life was in imminent danger in my home country of Jamaica after being attacked and suffered a broken skull because of my sexuality. I was semi paralyzed for some months I was unable to walk but luckily today I am able to walk but I still experienced severe pain in my head and nose bleed. The attacked has damaged my life in so many ways when the time gets cold my head hurt and I am in pain because the crack in my skull still hurts.. All of this happen before I start medically transitioning .Everyday for me is a nightmare since that attack. Now that I have been granted asylum in spain I am trying to secure housing during the pandemic.
Please if possible donate or share this campaign.Thank you
Proof of my attack proving why I seeked asylum is below have a look if you need it (it was recommended so i posted).
Mi nombre es Keneisha Miller. Tengo 22 años, soy una mujer negra transgénero / solicitante de aslyum de Jamaica que actualmente vive en España. Busco ayuda para vivienda y necesidades básicas. Estoy intentando recaudar dinero para asegurar mi vivienda para no quedarme sin hogar en Madrid. Intenté encontrar trabajo, pero actualmente Madrid está bloqueada debido a la epidemia de la Corona. Tuve que buscar protección internacional en España porque mi vida estaba en peligro inminente en mi país de origen, Jamaica, luego de ser atacada y sufrir una fractura de cráneo por mi sexualidad.
Me han rechazado varias veces después de solicitar una ayuda del gobierno español. Realmente agradecería si pudiera donar o compartir esta campaña. Gracias
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