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Kelly Gibson’s Liver Transplant

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Kelly was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Liver and Kidney Disease 13 years ago.  It all started with a doctors visit due to extremely high blood pressure and during a scan of the heart they caught a glimpse of the liver seeing cysts. They sent her to a kidney doctor since high blood pressure can present from kidney issues.  It was then she was diagnosed with PLD and PKD. 

Through the years her liver cysts grew at a steady rate while the kidney cysts, to date, have remained small. We were told there was nothing they could do to stop the growth.  With this disease the liver continues to function while the cysts fill the liver causing it to grow larger and larger.  The liver starts consuming the space in the abdomen pushing and squishing all the other organs. It is painful and a normal life becomes more and more difficult.  A normal liver weighs 3# to 4#, at time of transplant on Feb. 16, 2019 Kelly’s weighed 50#!

The hospital expense alone for this surgery is in excess of $500,000. Kelly does have health insurance that will help with this and other medical expenses. However with high deductibles, co-pays, and existing medical bills these medical expenses add up. She will be out of work for 4 months or so if all goes well. The short term disability only pays 60% of her salary plus she has to pay her portion of the the health insurance directly. She will have twice weekly travel expenses for lab work and doctors visits, and has been told occasionally she will need to stay nearby the hospital. 

Kelly’s family and friends have decided to put her case on GoFundMe to spread word about her transplant and for people to keep her in their thoughts and prayers as the process continues. Anything contributed here will be gratefully appreciated in Kelly’s honor and to her family and friends who are by her side every step of this process. 

Updates will be posted here for everyone to follow as well. 

Thank you you for your prayers and support!


  • June Henley
    • $250
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam (3)

Pam Willess Gibson
Sweeny, TX
Kelly Gibson
Jillian Vela
Team member

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