Keith's campaign for Mental Health UK
During lockdown, a lot of people quickly became isolated and lonely. Developing mental health issues that they never thought could happen to them. I for one suffered but it wasn't until later talking to people that I've come to terms a bit better with the anxiety I developed. A large number of people are not so lucky. Mental Health UK provides a means of help to anyone suffering and also gives guidance to those who know someone who may be struggling. This is why I want to do something to help the charity and keep them funded to do such important work. Along with talking to professionals, Streaming helped me stay in contact with the outside world and know I wasn't alone. I've become friends with some wonderful people through Twitch, some of them suffering from conditions of their own. This is why I'm doing a 24 hour challenge to raise money and awareness of what can be a topic that's difficult to breach. Thankyou
Keith Rogers
Mental Health UK