Keep Your Como Audio Internet Radio's Service Active!
Donación protegida
Hello, Como Audio music system owners.
My name is Peter Skiera. I worked for Como Audio for 7 years as V. P. of Product Development and later as General Manager. I was let go when Como Audio went out of business 18 months ago. Around that time, I started a subscriber-based service on Patreon so Como Audio customers would have access to unlimited tech support, tips, news updates, and other exclusive content. I also have my own website blog and started a petition to promote Internet radio.
The Frontier Silicon Wi-Fi module used in our Internet radios (and in tens of thousands of other radios by other brands) is scheduled to have their Internet radio and podcast service shut off on October 31, 2024. Late last year, Frontier Silicon announced they would no longer cover the costs to maintain the service for their legacy modules. The Nuvola smart radio portal and My Favorites will also be disabled at that time.
The Internet radio station aggregator, Airable, is working now to set up the servers and infrastructure to take over the service on that date. Each brand (audio company) has the option of paying the Internet station aggregator a fee to continue the service and maintenance for their radios until October 31, 2025 (renewing each year thereafter for the same fee). Each brand has their own agreement. In the case of Como Audio, the fee is $5,000 per year.
Como Audio closed in March of 2023 due to rising costs and the inability to get parts and finished goods in a timely manner. As a result of the closure, there is no company to pay the fee. Frontier's decision to shut down the service was not a result of Como Audio's closure. The decision impacts all Internet radios using Frontier's legacy modules.
As I've had a long-term relationship with both Frontier Silicon and the radio station aggregator, I've stepped in on behalf of Como Audio users to help keep our Internet radio service running by launching this GoFundMe campaign.
If we meet our goal, I will pay the station aggregator the fee directly. I wanted them to link their account to this campaign but they will only accept payment from the audio companies themselves, not third parties like GoFundMe. As I am essentially representing Como Audio, payment must originate from me. An extra amount has been added to the $5,000 goal to anticipate GoFundMe's required fees and the wire transfer fee. This figure is subject to change based on how many people contribute (more people = more fees). The campaign funds cover Como Audio music systems only (Solo, Duetto, Amico, and Musica), not any other audio brand.
If we fail to meet the goal, all funds will be returned to contributors minus any GoFundMe's fees. Our radios will continue to receive FM and work with Bluetooth, and I'm advised Spotify and multi-room should also still function. Your radio won't become a brick, but it won't get Internet radio or podcasts and you won't be able to use the portal or My Favorites.
If we exceed the goal, the excess funds will go toward next year's fee.
A word of caution- If you contribute, know that GoFundMe automictically adds a "tip" for themselves with every donation. This tip goes directly to GoFundMe NOT to this campaign. You can zero out the tip by adjusting the tip bar before you submit your contribution.
I will not take any money out of this campaign for my own use in return for acting as the middleman. If you're feeling especially generous, rather than tip GoFundMe which is making enough as it is, I'm accepting personal donations through and Buy Me A Coffee. Any such donations go to me and not to this campaign. No one asked me to do this, and I'm not obligated to do it, but I wanted to give you, our customers, who paid a lot for and love your music systems, a path to keeping your service for at least for another year if not longer. One thing is for certain- if I didn't take this action, we'd all lose our service come the end of October.
Per the station aggregator, this is an all or nothing arrangement, meaning if we pay the fee, all Como Audio music systems worldwide will continue with service for a year.
On the other hand, if we fail to pay the fee in time, all Como Audio music systems worldwide will have their Internet radio/podcast/portal/My Favs service cut off on October 31, 2024. Neither the aggregator nor I have the ability to determine who contributes and who doesn't and thus cannot terminate service only for those who don't contribute. I didn't make the rules and I cannot change them. We must work with what we're given.
I have contributed to this campaign and I hope every Como Audio customer will consider making a contribution. Even if you're a Como customer but don't listen to Internet radio or podcasts or use My Favorites or the portal, I hope you'll still be a part of the solution. I've always considered the Como Audio community a family, and families stick together in tough times. Can you imagine your life without music? Please also help spread the word about this campaign on social media, etc.
Thank you so very much to everyone who has contributed to date. No one anticipated this scenario, and I apologize that we have to go through this, but at least we have an option to enjoy the music.
Peter Skiera
Peter Skiera
Spring Hill, FL