Brave the shave
My best friend Emily is THE most selfless person anyone could ever meet. She is always thinking of others, how she can help others, raising money for charities and those less fortunate. She has been given awful news this year, after being diagnosed with breast cancer aged 29 the doctors told Emily that her cancer has spread to her liver. This means that it is now incurable, but Emily is doing what Emily does best and has put her big girl pants on and with positivity and the biggest support network (cause so many people love her) she is tackling this head on!
Emily’s dream is to take her girls Isla, Edie and Anni to Lapland to make some amazing memories and have some fun together ❤️❤️
I’m going to shave my head on New Years Eve when Emily shaves hers to help raise money.
Please guys dig deep, I know this is a really hard year for so many of us, but even £1 will really help, or a share!!!
let’s smash this goal and get those little girls a memory they’ll never forget with their mummy ❤️❤️❤️❤️