Burberry Homestead Probiotic Goat Milk SkinCare
Donation protected
Hi my name is Freda, everyone knows me as Freddy, and I’m fundraising to raise money to help get our Organic Goat Milk + Kefir Probiotic Skin Care and farm off the ground. From 2017 to 2020 my Organic Skin Care line was taking off and I have over 300+ 5-star reviews that proved it — but the pandemic brought it to a screeching halt and now it’s time to start anew!

During that time of pause, we moved to the WNC mountains and started a little homestead. We purchased Nubian and mini-Nubian goats from renowned breeders and would like to start selling our Organic Probiotic Skincare again.
Being able to source our raw milk from our own goats is awesome and will help cut down the cost of the increase in ingredients, packaging, labels etc.

We are also in terrible need of a tractor and while I have excellent credit we need 20% down payment which is approximately $5,000. They have awesome special financing programs at 0% for 72 months or shorter.
The money raised would be used towards the 20% down payment (even If I can find a used one from our local John Deere dealer they still want 20% down but the financing options aren’t as good as if you buy a brand new one and the used ones aren’t that much less expensive. They hold their value).

Any additional money raised would go towards growing our Black Copper Marans breeding program which generates a decent amount of income for our small farm. We would also purchase a new computer because ours in on the brink of completely shutting down for lack of startup space.

Acreage in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina is a perfect place to raise our goats for our organic goat milk, increase our heritage breed flocks to provide hatching eggs/chicks, and do the things that we do best… all we need is help with the down payment on a tractor to really step up our production!

I support this small farm by myself and waitress in the evenings. I am known for my work ethic and you can see our small farm in action on Instagram or Facebook . I want to add a rock pile for the goats using my neighbors rocks and equipment and our new tractor and build another barn. I build everything from scratch with the help of my good friend!

We hope to be completely self-sufficient by 2024.

Freda Mooncotch
Fox Ridge, NC