Waterbury Res Boat Access Greeter
This fundraising campaign supports the Friends of Waterbury Reservoir's mission to protect, improve and enhance the ecological, recreational, and community values of the Waterbury Reservoir and to hire a Boat Access Greeter to educate users about invasive species.
We need your donation to help pay for this important program!
This year we received a grant from the VT Department of Environmental Conservation's Public Access Greeter Program . We hired Zachary Johnston to work at the Blush Hill and Waterbury Dam access areas from May to September 2016. The grant is not enough to support the program.
His job is to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species into the reservoir. He is there to:
- Educate recreational boaters about the harmful effects of invasive species and what they can do to prevent spread;
- Provide courtesy boat inspections to help boaters "do the right thing" to prevent the spread; and
-Stop invasive species introductions.
Your tax-deductible contribution will help keep the reservoir clean today, tomorrow and for the future.
About Nuisance Species:
Nuisance Species are aquatic and terrestrial organisms, introduced into new habitats, that produce harmful impacts on aquatic natural resources in these ecosystems and on the human use of these resources. These species threaten the diversity or abundance of native species or the ecological stability of infested waters, or commercial, agricultural, aquacultural or recreational activities dependent on such waters.
Invasive species are spread across Vermont by overland transport of watercraft, trailers, fishing and recreation equipment. So far, the Waterbury Reservoir appears to be free of invasive Eurasian Watermilfoil, but it is infested with Brittle Naiad (aquatic invasives) as well as Honeysuckle and Japanese Knotweed (terrestrial invasives).
Help stop the spread of insidious intruders into the Waterbury Reservoir. Make a donation today!
Contact us to make a recurring donation. Recurring donations make it easier for us to properly budget and plan for the future.
About Friends of Waterbury Reservoir:
The Friends of Waterbury Reservoir is a Vermont-registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to protecting, improving and enhancing the ecological, recreational, and community values of the Waterbury Reservoir.
Founded in 1994 and re-formed in 2013, we work to achieve our mission through stewardship, research, community involvement, collaboration with stakeholders, and connecting people and place. Our vision is that the Reservoir is a thoughtfully-maintained, safe, and clean public-access recreation area located at the crossroads of world-class resort towns and yet offers a remote experience for users. The Reservoir is recognized as a unique resource and an important conservation and economic asset for the people of Vermont.
Waterbury Reservoir's Boating Guide: