Help Eliecer Recover From Unexpected Stroke
Eliecer Gutiérrez es un venezolano, apasionado por la naturaleza, super estudioso e inteligente con varios títulos y trabajos como biólogo evolutivo, biogeógrafo, conservacionista y mamólogista, él estaba trabajando como profesor visitante en la Universidad Federal de Santa María- Brasil, desafortunadamente el 15 de septiembre de 2019, mientras trabajaba, Eliecer sufrió un derrame cerebral, desde entonces ha superado varios problemas como: Septicemia, endocarditis, reemplazo de válvula mitral, cirugía de vesícula, cirugía por aneurisma en el brazo derecho y actualmente en proceso de superar dos grandes secuelas del derrame cerebral: 1- afasia (no puede hablar ), 2- hemiplejia (no puede mover el lado derecho de su cuerpo).
Desde octubre de 2019 Eliecer está fuera de la nómina de la Universidad y solo recibe una pequeña asistencia del gobierno que cubre 1/3 parte de su salario. Por otro lado, el seguro de salud de Eliecer solo cubre hospitales o Clínicas en Santa María, pero la ciudad no cuenta con hospitales especializados en este tipo de rehabilitación, así que la situación es un poco compleja. Para que Eliecer tenga un avance significativo en su rehabilitación (recuperar su habla y movimiento), necesita culminar en un centro médico especializado por lo menos un trimestre antes de Junio de 2020, y la ciudad más cercana con Hospitales de este tipo es Brasilia. Decidimos hacer este gofoundme porque financieramente estamos casi en quiebra y debemos tener el dinero para pagar los arreglos de viaje y alojamiento en Brasilia.
Para quien no conoce a Eliecer, le contamos que un biólogo investigador de la mamología sudamericana. Su investigación cubre aspectos empíricos y conceptuales de taxonomía, sistemática, biogeografía y biología evolutiva. Sus actividades de investigación incluyen varios grupos de mamíferos, como zarigüeyas, roedores, murciélagos y ciervos. Fue galardonado en 2017 con el Premio Oliver Pearson por la American Society of Mammalogists. Es muy activo en sociedades y foros profesionales. Siempre ha sido receptivo con quienes solicitan su ayuda académica.
Puede obtener más información sobre la investigación y el impacto científico de Eliécer en:
Nunca imaginamos pedir ayuda de esta manera, y hoy humildemente les damos las gracias por tanta generosidad y solidaridad.
Alicia Calcaño y familia.
Eliecer has suffered a stroke and heart attack in small town in Brazil and we need your help!
We are the family of Eliecer Gutierrez Calcaño, a well-known member of the mammalogy community in North and South America, and most importantly, our beloved son, brother, and uncle.
On September 15th, while working in Santa Maria, Brazil, Eliecer suffered a heart attack and a stroke. Previously he was already in the hospital receiving treatment for septicemia and endocarditis. In mid-October, he underwent heart surgery to replace his mitral valve due to damage sustained from the endocarditis. For Eliecer, this was a life or death procedure, thankfully the surgery was a success.
On November 5th Eliecer was discharged from the hospital, he's suffering from Aphasia. The stroke is preventing him from being able to talk and move the right side of his body.
This is where we are pleading for your help, Eliecer's case is complex. He needs to go through extensive rehabilitation to be able to recover his speech and movement. Santa Maria has no recovery facilities or trained therapists in the area. The closest city we can fly Eliecer to, in order to get the necessary treatment, is Brasilia, a four-hour drive to Porto Alegre, then a 3-hour flight to Brasilia. Transporting him to this facility will be no easy task.
Financially, it will be an uphill battle as well. Eliecer’s health insurance only covers medical facilities in Santa Maria, which at this point he doesn't need. He is out of payroll, and only receives small government assistance that covers a portion of his insurance.
The prolonged physical therapy, speech therapy, travel arrangements, housing, and other miscellaneous bills are piling up quickly. The only caregiver Eliecer has is his mom, Alicia, who doesn't have the physical strength to move Eliecer around.
We will use the money to primarily get Eliecer the proper healthcare he needs, pay for the travel arrangements and provide our aunt Alicia with housing in Brasilia so she can continue taking care of her son.
For those of you who don't know Eliecer, he's a wonderful person, loves his family, especially his nephews, David and Oscar. He's funny, kind, and enjoys listening to music.
His passion is his profession and has done amazing work for science.
Eliécer is a rising star of South American mammalogy. His research covers empirical and conceptual aspects of taxonomy, systematics, biogeography, and evolutionary biology. His research activities include several mammal groups, such as opossums, rodents, bats, and deer. He was awarded in 2017 with the Oliver Pearson Award by the American Society of Mammalogists. He is very active in professional societies and forums. He has always been receptive to those requesting his academic help. You can learn more about Eliécer's research and scientific impact in:
This campaign is managed by Eliecer's family. From all of us (his brother, mom, cousins, nephews), we thank you for reading and sharing our campaign. With everyone's help, Eliecer can get better!