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On June 4, 2020, in the wake of immense change and social unrest sweeping the nation, our family was contacted by a small group of concerned current and former Redding, CT residents asking about the circumstances surrounding the death of our beloved son, brother, and uncle, Gugsa Abraham “Abe” Dabela. This is a call that we have awaited for more than six years.
Abe was a 35-year-old African-American attorney, when he was killed under the dark of night on April 5, 2014 in Redding, CT. It shattered our lives and set off a quest for justice that continues to this day.
Abe was taking a short drive home from a local pub, when he swerved violently and was involved in rollover car accident. Abe was unharmed in the rollover. Sometime after the accident, he was killed by a single gunshot wound to the back of his head. Within hours, a press release was issued by the Redding Police Department stating that Abe had killed himself, and that no one else was involved in this incident.
Although there was absolutely no evidence or reason that Abe would commit suicide, due to the lack of investigation his death was ruled a suicide six months later. Very few questions were asked by the local community or the local authorities, and despite relentless efforts by our family, attorneys and various forensic experts, we have been met with obfuscation, lies and cover-ups ever since.
The June call is turning the tides, and renewing the effort to share Abe’s story with the public, law enforcement and legislative authorities, to demand the American justice system turn its attention to Abe’s case, and bring his killers, and those who protected them, to justice.
This fund is being established to support these efforts and cover costs and expenses relating to raising awareness, legislative and court proceedings, and to assist our family and the “Justice for Abe” team in the days to come as we continue to seek justice for Abe.
Ways you can help:
1. Donate via this fund.
2. Learn more about the circumstances of Abe’s death at: www.justice4abe.com
3. Sign the petition to re-open the case at: www.change.org/justice4abe
4. Follow us on Facebook at Justice 4 Abe or on Instagram at @justice4abe
5. Contact federal and state law enforcement and elected officials demanding they re-open Abe’s case. See www.instagram.com/justice4abe for names and contact information
6. Submit information or tips at: www.justice4abe.com/contact-us/
Commonly asked questions:
1. Who are you? Gugsa Abe Dabela’s family.
2. What is your relationship to the parties you’re raising funds for? We are raising money to support the efforts of those assisting in seeking justice for our son.
3. How the funds will be spent? Funds collected here will be spent by the Dabela family as described above. This fund will be governed and controlled at the discretion Abe’s father and his sister, who are co-administrators of the Estate of Gugsa Abraham Dabela.
4. Are there any other legitimate funds? No.
Anyone with further questions about this page may contact [email redacted]
We are heartened by the public concern, and appreciate every contribution that will defray the incredible costs and expenses we have incurred over the past six years seeking justice for Abe.
- The Dabela Family
Fundraising team: J4A Dream Team (5)
Albab Dabela
New York, NY
Ellen Dabela
Team member
Emma Tower
Team member
Lila Estime
Team member
Grace Pendleton
Team member