To help get a pump an help through treatment
Donation protected
Hey my name is chris i dont like asking for help but i dont know what else i can do
Ive caught a rare tropical bug that ate around a third of lungs in 6wks caused. Renal failure i got to 6% kidney function the bug i got is non tuberculosis mycobacteria which i caught from drinking non filtered spring water the problem is theres not any real stats on it so im on trails in brisbane i live 1600km away so treatment is 2yrs min to uncertian if it works if not in my case it is terminal an has spread every were including right hip lower back l4 an l5 both elbows which now has abcesses from the bone ranging from 50mm to 150mm in my hip is causing fractures it so painfull an I'm always sick ive also got type 1 diabetes an sarcoidosis an autoimmune disease an cystic fibrosis on top well i have uncontrollable diabetes due to steroids an just cant eat as much due to nerve damge in my stomach im just im just so sick i dont have any family alive to help physically or finacally my friends can only do so much an last so long i need to privatly fund any help an the pump i need has to be also privately funded its min $4500 for the pump alone rates are overdue
If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask im sorry my bio is all over the place its i cant think or anything the same no more due to meds im sorry about punctuation
My lungs the two black areas are the holes from this modern tb
The Abcess in my hip
Intensity of infection in body as you see its everywhere
My spine its in-between l4anl5
Also if you have any advise that could help that would be great
Christopher Capper
Carstairs, QLD