Julie Gregory
Do you want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money in aid of Wirral Hospice St John's and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to Julie, Josh and Jon as they looked after Julie in her final days.
More information about Wirral Hospice St John's: Wirral Hospice St John's is an adult Hospice based on the Wirral and has provided over thirty years of caring for our local community. We provide care and support for patients with cancer and severe progressive disease where curative treatment is no longer possible. This is provided by a 16 bed In-Patient Unit, Oupatient Clinics, Day Therapy and a 'Hospice at Home' service. Although we receive some government funding, the majority of our income comes from voluntary donations from supporters.
Jon Gregory
Wirral Hospice St John's