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Tricia Lawrenson is a most amazing person.  She is a wife and mother of two, and for her whole life she has lived with an incurable disease called Cystic Fibrosis .  Her story, and her own personal generosity have been a great inspiration to so many.

Because of the affects of the disease on her lungs Tricia has received three double lung transplants, the first in 2008 after giving birth to her daughter, and the second in 2013 when her body rejected the earlier transplanted lungs.  In 2019 her condition began to deteriorate rapidly.  When she had her 2nd transplant she was told a third could not take place.  But, with recent medical/surgical advances 3rd transplants are now being done at Duke, and on April 26, 2020 she was told her new lungs had arrived.  By the next morning the transplant was complete and successful!

Her medical costs (beyond what a good insurance policy covers) and costs for her frequent travels to Duke University Hospital for treatments, surgeries and procedures are beyond what her family can provide. Without these meds, etc. her body will no longer accept her lungs.  She is also highly susceptible to viral infections, the flu, etc due to her greatly compromised immune system. Tricia and Nathan have lived in an apartment in Durham since February and will remain there until her post-surgery regimen of physical therapy is complete.  The trust fund enables them to live there.

Many thousands of friends know of Tricia's story.   Just prior to her first transplant her parents and in-laws began a trust fund, knowing the costs ahead would be staggering.  Just a couple of years ago, with the Trust Fund barely functioning we started this Go Fund Me page to rally the troops and re-invigorate the fund.  All monies received go toward Tricia's out of pocket medically related costs.  Funds are managed by a local Nags Head CPA.

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    • 22 $ 
    • 4 ans
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Rick Lawrenson
Kitty Hawk, NC

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