Journey to Lucidity 2
A visceral consciousness shifting movie through the Lucidity Festival, exploring themes of unity, lucid dreaming, guardianship and more.
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Project Details:
This movie is the sequel within the Journey to Lucidity saga which documents the continued evolution of consciousness and our ongoing story as spiritual beings in human form by weaving together a beautiful mandala of people, wisdom, and experiences at the Lucidity Festival.
The movie will uniquely follow myself, Brendon, as I document and experience the festival while bringing the audience along for the adventure through gonzo journalism style of film making. The movie will expand on the style and ideas of the first film while helping educate the audience about numerous consciousness shifting topics to help promote mindfulness.
The first movie continues to successful reached thousands of people across the world and has helps inspire them with inspiration and hope through the magic of story telling and art. (Watch the first movie in the links below.)
Here are what people had to say about the first movie:
"Awesome work....I got the bumps and shivers through my spine; electrified. The film is so fluent and soothing yet is powerful...like a river or stream...row row row your boat. You definitely hit the a strong wavelength with your editing."
"Beautiful film! Brendon captured the whole event and message so well. The dialogue and feel of the film is very genuine in bringing forward the concept of a collective grassroots movement to help and better the world we live in. And with the way it was shot, I feel like I attended the festival. Very well done! Thank you!"
Original Production Details:
Journey to Lucidity 2 will be filming at Lucidity Festival, in Santa Ynez, California, April 11-13, 2014.
Funds raised help assist in the production time involved for the project in terms of filming and editing, aswell as helping cover the travel costs involved to get me to California from London, Ontario, Canada.
Be in the sequel by attending Lucidity Festival 2014!
∞ Experience this amazing journey for yourself. ∞
Purchase your tickets at : http://lucidityfestival.com/buy-tickets
Check out more about the festival at www.LucidityFestival.com
Watch and enjoy the experience of the festival in the first movie - Journey to Lucidity: The Planted Seed, Free Online.
Full Movie:
Featuring Music by Billy Mays III, Infinite Third
Remember You Are Dreaming
Listen to and enjoy the special standalone Full Soundtrack of JtL1
Thank you for helping create this shared dream.
NEW: Own and Share Journey to Lucidity: The Planted Seed ON SPECIAL EDITION DVD! Select the perk below!
Own a copy for your collection or as a gift to forever enjoy and share the journey. Funds go towards supporting the sequel. Order now and receive bonus Shift Buttons with your purchase!
Professionally presented with Bonus Content.
Bonus Content Includes:
- Director's Commentary
- Scene 13: Wolf-Shield finds Wolf-Mother
- Original Co-Creation Trailer
- Theatrical Trailer
- Lucid Dreaming Workshop
- Visionary Culture Panel Discussion
- Message from the Director
- Hidden Bonus Gift
Order your copy through the perk selection.
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