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Journey to get my new Heart

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Hello family and friends, just wanted to reach out to everybody I know and everybody that knows Victor Adrian Galvez. He is a smart, quiet, loving, peaceful, life loving blessing in this world who just wants to live life. He is our cousin who is now 26 years old and for the past 5 years has had to live with heart failure and his heart functioning at only 10%. He has had to live with the LVAD machine which helps to keep his heart pumping on a daily basis. Every day he has to put on a battery pack which is like a vest/holster that holds 2 batteries each lasting 12 hours so his heart can work properly throughout the day. At night he has to plug himself to a large wall outlet charger so his heart functions properly while he sleeps and his batteries charge for the following day. He had a stroke Dec of 2016' because of the medicatons, and because of the procedures he has had to endure to have the tubing and wiring connected to his heart so he can wear his vest/holster!!!!!! Im reaching out to everybody I know because Victor has decided to put himself on the heart transplant list so he can receive a new heart. This will require him to go live in Dallas TX. This is where the he will have surgery for his pending heart transplant. He will need to move to Dallas so when a heart becomes available he will be within 1 hour of the hospital so that the transplant can be done within the 3-4 hour window so the heart he is receiving can be viable. He will be living in Dallas TX. By himself in an apartment, small studio, or friends to stay with. We are hoping to raise 5,000 dollars so Adrian can have funds for living expenses, food, clothing, transportation, and medical expenses. Anything you can give will help in his journey to live a life as peaceful and without batteries as soon as possible.  Just quoting Adrian, " I just want to live my life as normal as possible, for as long as I can,  I dont like asking for money, but I think the help is really what I need right now!."
         Thankyou so much God Bless!!!!



    • $169 
    • 6 anos


Chris Remes
El Paso, TX

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