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Josie's De-Transition Fund

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Hey, my name's Josie. I am 24 years old, and from Los Angeles. For 4 years I was convinced I was a transgender man. I realized last year that I had made a big mistake. I am a biological woman and I was truly just struggling to accept that because society made me feel like I might be a transgender man, simply because I had stereotypically male interests and hobbies. This ideology really harmed me. I am now asking for help. I was taking testosterone for 2 years, and in the process, my voice became deep, I began to grow facial hair, and my jawline and face shape overall has changed. I actually feel incredibly uncomfortable with how testosterone altered me. I want to return back to the old me, the real me, before I became confused and tried to change my gender. I want my softer voice back. I am asking for help so I can receive vocal, and facial feminization surgery. I know this procedure will help me immensely to feel like my old self again. I already have some money set aside for it, but Im asking for help simply to cover the remainder of it, and any fees and some extra cash for the recovery time, post operation. Thank you!

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Josie Lewinson
Los Angeles, CA
Caitlin Nguyen

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