Join us in our walk around the world
Support us in our 2024 attempt to circumnavigate the world, either by donation, or help us by walking, cycling, or covering the distance by any other self propelled activity, or both! Starting with 2105 miles to take us from Glasgow to St John's Newfoundland in aid of The Neil Mackenzie Trust. We hope to cover 15500 miles in 2024. More details can be found at https://theneilmackenzietrust.com/fundraising/ or join our club on Strava: https://www.strava.com/clubs/1202021/group_events/1545617
More information about The Neil Mackenzie Trust: The Neil Mackenzie Trust gives Expedition Grants for challenging adventures worldwide and Educational Expedition Grants for trips related or unrelated to school or university courses. Our Skills Training Grants are awarded to anyone over 14 for outdoor non-competitive courses in Scotland in order to prepare the applicant to be able to go into challenging situations safely and with confidence. Our focus is on awarding grants which will make a significant difference to the recipient, be it mental health, self confidence, new skills, and more.
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause.
Margaret Mackenzie
The Neil Mackenzie Trust