Help Jimmy Rave
Update 12/07/2021: On behalf on Jimmy, we want to thank you all once again for finding it in your hearts to help him financially during this rollercoaster of this last year of his life. The fundraiser is still up and running with an increased limit due to several factors: Jimmy needing prosthetics that are not covered by insurance and he will need to do in-patient physical therapy once again (the Room & Board expense you see in the bill). This is in addition to the several medical bills that have accumulated and will continue to come for the foreseeable future. Sadly our dear friend has a long, arduous road ahead and our help is needed to make his new normal as comfortable as possible.
Update 11/1/2021: Thank you all SO much for your donations to help Jimmy! Unfortunately, while in recovery Jimmy developed a MRSA infection (a recurring condition he has dealt with for several years) and as a result he needed to have both of his legs amputated to save his life! In addition to the awful physical and mental toll this has taken on him, the medical bills have not stopped and unfortunately continue to mount as he continues his recovery and adjustment to his new life. Any amount you can give would be truly appreciated to alleviate this burden as much as possible and we appreciate any shares and reposts to spread the word
For 20 years, Jimmy Rave has given his blood, sweat, and tears to the Professional Wrestling Business. With lucrative stints in TNA Wrestling, Ring of Honor, Dragongate, and CZW, Jimmy Rave is someone who’s name is synonymous with the sport we all love!
Jimmy has given so much of himself to this business and now, it is our turn to help him!
Due to an unfortunate health issue, Jimmy had to undergo an amputation of his arm to save his life! With mounting medical expenses and also having to face the reality of never wrestling again, our friend needs our help!
This fundraiser is to assist Jimmy with his medical expenses and most importantly to help him acquire a prosthetic arm that will help him lead as normal a life as possible. This chain of events has been heartbreaking but as his support system, we can come together and give any amount that we can to help Jimmy overcome this hurdle!
Any amount you can give would so greatly appreciated. Jimmy needs all the love and support he can get at this time and we thank you SO much for helping to alleviate this burden.