Jezufinovas muiza (Jezufinova Manor)
Donation protected
Ir radusies iespēja atjaunot vienu no Latgales muižām, kas vairākus gadus nostāvējusi "nelietota". Mēs vēlamies palīdzēt Jezufinovas muižai "atdzimt un atvērties" no jauna - ceļotājiem, māksliniekiem, radošiem cilvēkiem, digitāliem nomadiem un jebkuram no Jums!
No pirmās dienas, kad publiski padalījāmies ar ideju, esam saņēmuši milzīgu atbalstu. Esam saņēmuši interesi un vēlmi no vairākiem cilvēkiem palīdzēt arī finansiāli. Tādēļ esam izveidojuši publisku iespēju ziedot Jezufinovas muižas atjaunošanai, kļūstot par Jezufinovas muižas patronu!
Jezufinovas muižai, kas atrodas Preiļu novada Ārdavā ir gara un daudzveidīga vēsture - neoklasicisma stila muiža sākta celt 1851. gadā un līdz 1922. gadam piederēja muižnieku Molu dzimtai. Jezufinovas muižā savas skolotājas gaitas 1906.gadā iesākusi ievērojamā Latgales kultūras darbiniece Naaizmērstule, kur muižnieka un kalpu bērniem mācīja latviešu un krievu valodu, rakstīšanu un rēķināšanu 1922. gadā muižas kungu mājā tika ierīkota skolu.
Otrā pasaules kara laikā muižas ēkā atradās Vācu armijas štābs. 1842.gadā vietējie sarkanās armijas partizāni uzspridzināja vācu vilcienu, kas veda munīciju uz Rēzekni. Cieta daudzi parka koki, durvis un logi, cietuši arī muižas pamati. Veco skolas ēku, vāciešiem atkāpjoties, bija plānots uzspridzināt, jo tika atrastas pagrabā mīnas, ko uzgāja Ārdavas partizāni.
Ārdavā dzīvoja ilgākais nacionālais partizānis Latvijā Jānis Pīnups, kurš slēpās no padomju varas vairāk kā piecdesmit gadus.
Līdz 2003. gadam skolā atradās Ārdavas pamatskola, kur pastāvēja arī bibliotēka. Pēdējo reizi skola bija pieejama publikai bija, kad muižā darbojās Pasts.
Blakus muižas ēkai no muižas kompleksa šobrīd saglabājies arī parks un saimniecības ēka, kur vācu laikā bija ierīkots zirgu stallis, vēlāk atradās darbnīcas un internāts.
Mēs plānojam apkopot muižas vēstures liecības un stāstus, izveidot bibliotēku un digitalizēt atmiņas par Ārdavu un Jezufinovas muižu cauri gadiem, kā arī izstādīt dažus no muižas atradumiem, kas saglabājušies no skolas laikiem.
Šo visu stāstīsim un rādīsim muižas apmeklētājiem, kas ieradīsies Jezufinovas muižā pēc tās pārbūves un rekonstrukcijas.
Apzināmies, ka darba būs daudz, tas nebūs viegls, bet esam gatavi sākt!
Pārbūves pirmajā posmā mēs plānojam pēc iespējas pasargāt muižas fasādi no tālākas laikapstākļu ietekmes, atjaunot galvenās ieejas durvis, sakārtot muižas austrumu spārnu, kā arī daļēji labiekārtot muižas parku un apkārtni – tā, lai varētu uzņemt jau pirmos viesus.
Būsim pateicīgi par jebkuru iesaistīšanos un atbalstu! Paldies.
Mēs plānojam apkopot muižas vēstures liecības un stāstus, izveidot bibliotēku un digitalizēt atmiņas par Ārdavu un Jezufinovas muižu cauri gadiem, kā arī izstādīt dažus no muižas atradumiem, kas saglabājušies no skolas laikiem.
Šo visu stāstīsim un rādīsim muižas apmeklētājiem, kas ieradīsies Jezufinovas muižā pēc tās pārbūves un rekonstrukcijas.
Apzināmies, ka darba būs daudz, tas nebūs viegls, bet esam gatavi sākt!
Pārbūves pirmajā posmā mēs plānojam pēc iespējas pasargāt muižas fasādi no tālākas laikapstākļu ietekmes, atjaunot galvenās ieejas durvis, sakārtot muižas austrumu spārnu, kā arī daļēji labiekārtot muižas parku un apkārtni – tā, lai varētu uzņemt jau pirmos viesus.
Būsim pateicīgi par jebkuru iesaistīšanos un atbalstu! Paldies.
fotogrāfija no @latgola instagram profila
Jezufinovas muižas Facebook profils: https://www.facebook.com/jezufinovasmuiza
Aicinājums aizpildīt anketu par ceļošanu pa Latgali un Jezufinovas muižu Ārdavā, Preiļu novadā. Anketai tikai 5 jautājumi - 2 minūtes aizpildīšanai. https://survey.typeform.com/to/a02aPSWo
Hello all!
There is an opportunity to restore one of Latgale manors, which has been standing "unused" for several years. There is an opportunity to help Jezufinova manor "reborn and reopen" for travelers, artists, creative people, digital nomads and any of you!
From the first day we publicly shared the idea, we have received tremendous support. We have also received interest and a desire from several people to help financially. Therefore, we have created a public opportunity to donate for the restoration of Jezufinova manor, becoming the patron of Jezufinova manor!
Jezufinova Manor, located in Ardava of Preili municipality, has a long and varied history - the construction of the neoclassical manor began in 1851 and belonged to the Mols family of landowners until 1922. Naaizmerstule, a prominent Latgale cultural worker, started her career as a teacher at the Jesufinova manor in 1906. A school was established in 1922 in the manor house.
During the Second World War, the manor house housed the headquarters of the German army. In 1842, local partisans of the Red Army blew up a German train transporting ammunition to Rezekne. Many trees, doors and windows of the park were damaged, and the foundations of the manor were also damaged. The old school building was to be blown up when the Germans retreated, as mines were found in the basement by the partisans of Ardava.
Janis Pinups, the longest national partisan in Latvia, lived in Ardava and hid from Soviet rule for more than fifty years.
Until 2003, the school housed Ardava Primary School, which also had a library. The last time the school was available to the public was when the Post Office operated in the manor.
Next to the manor house from the manor complex there is also a park and a farm building, where a horse stable was established in German times, later there were workshops and a boarding school.
We plan to collect evidence and stories of the manor's history, create a library and digitize memories of the Ardava and Jesufinova manors throughout the years, as well as exhibit some of the manor's finds from the school days.
We will tell all this and show it to the visitors of the manor, who will come to Jezufinova manor after its reconstruction and reconstruction.
We are aware that there will be a lot of work, it will not be easy, but we are ready to start!
In the first stage of the reconstruction, we plan to protect the manor facade from further weather conditions as much as possible, restore the main entrance door, arrange the east wing of the manor, as well as partially improve the manor park and surroundings - so that the first guests can be accommodated.
We will be grateful for any involvement and support! Thank you.
photo by @latgola instagram
Jezufinova manor Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/jezufinovamanor
Jezufinovas muižas Facebook profils: https://www.facebook.com/jezufinovasmuiza
Aicinājums aizpildīt anketu par ceļošanu pa Latgali un Jezufinovas muižu Ārdavā, Preiļu novadā. Anketai tikai 5 jautājumi - 2 minūtes aizpildīšanai. https://survey.typeform.com/to/a02aPSWo
Hello all!
There is an opportunity to restore one of Latgale manors, which has been standing "unused" for several years. There is an opportunity to help Jezufinova manor "reborn and reopen" for travelers, artists, creative people, digital nomads and any of you!
From the first day we publicly shared the idea, we have received tremendous support. We have also received interest and a desire from several people to help financially. Therefore, we have created a public opportunity to donate for the restoration of Jezufinova manor, becoming the patron of Jezufinova manor!
Jezufinova Manor, located in Ardava of Preili municipality, has a long and varied history - the construction of the neoclassical manor began in 1851 and belonged to the Mols family of landowners until 1922. Naaizmerstule, a prominent Latgale cultural worker, started her career as a teacher at the Jesufinova manor in 1906. A school was established in 1922 in the manor house.
During the Second World War, the manor house housed the headquarters of the German army. In 1842, local partisans of the Red Army blew up a German train transporting ammunition to Rezekne. Many trees, doors and windows of the park were damaged, and the foundations of the manor were also damaged. The old school building was to be blown up when the Germans retreated, as mines were found in the basement by the partisans of Ardava.
Janis Pinups, the longest national partisan in Latvia, lived in Ardava and hid from Soviet rule for more than fifty years.
Until 2003, the school housed Ardava Primary School, which also had a library. The last time the school was available to the public was when the Post Office operated in the manor.
Next to the manor house from the manor complex there is also a park and a farm building, where a horse stable was established in German times, later there were workshops and a boarding school.
We plan to collect evidence and stories of the manor's history, create a library and digitize memories of the Ardava and Jesufinova manors throughout the years, as well as exhibit some of the manor's finds from the school days.
We will tell all this and show it to the visitors of the manor, who will come to Jezufinova manor after its reconstruction and reconstruction.
We are aware that there will be a lot of work, it will not be easy, but we are ready to start!
In the first stage of the reconstruction, we plan to protect the manor facade from further weather conditions as much as possible, restore the main entrance door, arrange the east wing of the manor, as well as partially improve the manor park and surroundings - so that the first guests can be accommodated.
We will be grateful for any involvement and support! Thank you.
photo by @latgola instagram
Jezufinova manor Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/jezufinovamanor
Maija Krasna