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Help Jeff and his Forever Family

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Five and a half years ago, my husband and I were asked to temporarily take in his nephew who had just turned 6. Jeffery came to us with trust issues, medical and malnourishment issues, was nearly nonverbal, and had a mouthful of decayed teeth. Years of patience, stability and LOVE has turned our son into a bright, healthy kid with HUGE DREAMS of joining the Army, and very few traces of the difficult first six years of his earlier life. Thankfully, for all of us, temporary has become forever.

Jeff has been asking for adoption for three years. Out of fear of 'hurting feelings' I kept putting it off until about a year ago. He deserves this. He's already been let down by family once. I realized he'd be let down again without parents to call his own. I've already paid our attorney. We've been to court multiple times. We are finally ready to finalize this adoption.

Then, today happened. Today - after ALL THIS TIME - our attorney says we need a 'study' done by the State of California, along with payment of a hefty fee. All of this I confirmed with the State Adoptions office. We are a private case... so we need to file an additional form and pay them $4,500+ Up front to give him what he has fought so hard for.

Please, anything helps. Sharing helps. Prayers help. I don't want to disappoint him any more.


  • Jan Wiesenfeld
    • $500
    • 7 yrs


Jonnalyn Denny
Cottonwood, CA

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