Jasmine Streater Memorial for Lei'Lani
Jasmine Streator was a loving mother of a beautiful two 1/2-year-old daughter, Lei'Lani Reynolds. Jasmine was a student at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, where she majored in Social Work. Majoring in social work gave her the passion for advocating for marginalized groups of the Black and Hispanic communities. She was a dedicated and hardworking student who always strived to do her best. She also pushed her peers to keep going and always wanted to see others succeed. Jasmine was a force who inspired others around her. Jasmine quickly gained friendships within the social work program because of her passion, personality, and drive to make the world a better place. Her friends in the program knew her as the girl who was always there to make you laugh, support you during difficult times, or even have random dancing breakouts during the middle of studying for finals. On June 25th, Jasmine, unfortunately, lost her life in a car accident right before her dreams of being a social worker were about to take off. Sadly, Jasmine leaves behind a two-year-old daughter. In memory of her mother, these funds will be going directly to Lei'Lani's father, Dominic Reynolds, to fulfill her future educational endeavors.